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The Reality of Using WebGL & Frameworks Like Three.js and Babylon.js

  1. 3D Websites Require a Higher Learning Curve

    • Learning WebGL, Three.js, or Babylon.js involves understanding the canvas, coordinate systems, and other fundamentals.
    • Optimizing textures and 3D files (e.g., .stl, .fbx, .gltf, .glb) is necessary for performance11,21,23,25.
    • Developers need to optimize textures, poly counts, and simplify geometry.
    • Web developers may lack 3D skills initially, making optimization challenging.

  2. 3D Websites Require a Lot of Computer Resources & Are Harder to Optimize

    • 3D websites focus on RAM usage, requiring substantial resources.20,21
    • High-end hardware is needed for optimal performance, which may not be accessible to average users,Check Blender Best Computer Specifications for Example at 15.
    • High memory usage can lead to slow loading times and poor user experiences.19,20

  3. Justifying Development Costs Using 3D in Websites is Used in Niche Use Cases

    • Examples like Ikea demonstrate effective use of 3D for product visualization.
    • Personal portfolios can also benefit from 3D elements but are niche use cases.

  4. Comparsion Between ThreeJS and BablyonJS WebGL FrameWorks

    • Three.js and Babylon.js are popular WebGL frameworks, each with its advantages and disadvantages.
    • Babylon.js offers Native TypeScript support, while Three.js has a larger community and a community package for typescript support.
    • Babylon.js provides better debugging tools.
    Check 26

  5. Conclusion & Best Use Case Examples for 3D Modeling

    • 3D modelling is suitable for interior design, museums, personal, and company portfolios.
    • Optimizing assets and utilizing loading options can improve performance.
    • Examples like Ikea's room builder showcase effective 3D implementation.
    • 3D websites have potential but require significant development effort and resources.
    • High hardware requirements and optimization challenges limit widespread adoption.
    • Advances in hardware, like ARM processors, may improve 3D web experiences in the future.


Understood! Here are all your references organized with link names:

Web Graphics and Performance

3D Resources

Browser Compatibility

WebGL Memory Tracking and Optimization

Other (Potentially Relevant)

Other (Not Relevant)

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