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Cover image for Hello, World!
Vitor Amaral for Basestack

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Hello, World!

This simple "Hello, World!" is here to introduce you to Basestack and let you know that we're developing this project transparently and in the open.

What Exactly is Basestack?

Basestack is an open-source stack designed specifically for developers and startups. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools, including Feature Flags, with additional tools such as Feedback, Forms, and more on the horizon. Our goal is to empower you in building great products.

Why Choose Our Feature Flags Platform?

Basestack Feature Flags is a self-hosting platform that provides an effortless method to host your very own Feature Flags management platform. By leveraging services like Vercel, any developer, whether an indie or startup, gains full control over their features and data. Ultimately, the platform is housed in your account, under your management, giving you complete control over your data.


  • β›³ Feature Flags (Beta) Docs | Website
  • πŸ“„ Forms (Planned)
  • πŸ’¬ Feedback (Planned)

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Top comments (3)

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

Looks like a nice platform you're building. I'll take a closer look at your repository later.

vacom profile image
Vitor Amaral

Thanks Vincent! All feedback is welcome

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

You're welcome