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Ran Tu
Ran Tu

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Staying Motivated to Code Amidst Uncertainty: Practical Tips

As a full-time mom and part-time career-switching developer, staying motivated and pushing through can get difficult, especially with the current job market—and let's get real, some days we are just surviving! Here are some observations and possible advice from my own journey so far:

Motivation in coding, as in many areas of life, can be driven by a mix of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. How can we fuel the love of coding and leverage external rewards to achieve the optimum state? Or, at least, a state that keeps us going? Let's explore how balancing these motivations can not only keep us moving forward but also enhance our learning experience.

Intrinsic Motivation: Coding from the Heart

  • Finding Joy in the Process: It’s not just about the outcome—coding can be a creative and fulfilling activity. Try to immerse yourself in the process. Enjoy the act of creating something out of nothing, and celebrate the little breakthroughs, whether it’s writing your first loop or deploying your first app.
  • Setting Personal Challenges: Choose projects that spark your interest or solve a problem you care about. This can turn the learning process into a personal mission, increasing your intrinsic motivation.
  • Learning to Love Learning: Keep the curiosity alive. The tech field is vast and ever-evolving, so there’s always something new to learn. Embrace this as an ongoing adventure, not a one-time task.

Extrinsic Motivation: Recognizing the External Benefits

  • Career Goals: Remind yourself of the tangible benefits coding can bring. Whether it's landing a new job, getting a raise, or simply being able to contribute to innovative projects, these goals provide clear milestones to strive for.
  • Community and Support: Engage with other coding learners or professionals. Join online forums, attend local meetups, or participate in hackathons. The encouragement and recognition from peers can be a powerful motivator.
  • Reward Yourself: Don't forget to reward yourself for meeting goals. Whether it’s a small treat or a day off, recognizing your hard work can help maintain your momentum.

Striking a Balance

Balancing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is key. If you find joy in the act of coding, the tough times become easier to handle. Conversely, when intrinsic motivation dips—as it naturally can—having clear external goals can provide the necessary push to keep you going.

Conclusion: Your Own Motivational Mix

Every journey is unique, and so is the blend of motivations that will work for you. Reflect on what aspects of coding you genuinely enjoy and what external rewards are most meaningful to you. Adjust your focus as needed, and remember, the ultimate goal is to find a sustainable and enjoyable way to keep coding.

Let's keep the conversation going! I’d love to hear what keeps you motivated. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other and keep pushing forward together!

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