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GraphQL-ESLint v3.14 - What's New?

This article was published on Wednesday, December 28, 2022 by Dimitri POSTOLOV @ The Guild Blog


Hi! I am Dimitri πŸ‘‹, the current maintainer of the
GraphQL-ESLint linter, and today I want to share with you
all changes that were made in the last version. This is a small minor version update, but a bunch of
new rules and options were added.

If you are not familiar with GraphQL-ESLint check out here an
introduction blog post by GraphQL-ESLint creator Dotan Simha.

Support New ESLint Flat Config System

Say Hello to the new flat config system!

GraphQL-ESLint v3.14 fully supports
the new ESLint flat config system,
most of the examples were updated to
show you how you will set it up in the newly eslint.config.js file in the following years!

ESLint Suggestions for graphql-js Rules

All graphql-js rules that contain "Did you mean" suggestions now can be fixable via ESLint
suggestions API in your editor πŸŽ‰.

Update of graphql-config

GraphQL-ESLint comes with a new GraphQL Config v4.4 that no longer requires a typescript
dependency to be installed.

Also, GraphQL Config is no longer bundled with cosmiconfig-toml-loader and
cosmiconfig-typescript-loader. You must install it manually in case of using TOML or TypeScript
config. The benefit of this is that bundle size is reduced by 35%.

New Rules

The new version introduces 4 new rules:

Rule require-nullable-fields-with-oneof

Require input or type fields to be non-nullable with @oneOf directive

```json filename=".eslintrc.json"
"rules": {
"@graphql-eslint/require-nullable-fields-with-oneof": "error"


  ```graphql filename="❌ Incorrect"
  input Input @oneOf {
    foo: String!
    bar: [Int!]!
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```graphql filename="βœ… Correct"
input Input @oneOf {
foo: String
bar: [Int!]


### Rule `require-type-pattern-with-oneof`

Enforce types with `@oneOf` directive have `error` and `ok` fields.

*   It's easier to communicate user errors in the response
*   Errors can contain any additional info the client might need (error code, validation info and so
*   Reduce the need to use `... on Error` and so on, no need to specify type names in the query

```json filename=".eslintrc.json"
  "rules": {
    "@graphql-eslint/require-type-pattern-with-oneof": "error"
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```graphql filename="❌ Incorrect"
type DoSomethingMutationResult @oneOf {
notok: DoSomethingSuccess
noterror: Error

  ```graphql filename="βœ… Correct"
  type DoSomethingMutationResult @oneOf {
    ok: DoSomethingSuccess
    error: Error
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Rule lone-executable-definition

Require queries, mutations, subscriptions or fragments to be located in separate files.

```json filename=".eslintrc.json"
"rules": {
"@graphql-eslint/lone-executable-definition": "error"


  ```graphql filename="❌ Incorrect"
  # users.graphql
  query Users {
    users {
  fragment UserFields on User {
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```graphql filename="βœ… Correct"
# users.graphql
query Users {
users {


### Rule `no-one-place-fragments`

An original proposal for a rule to suggest inline fragments that are spread only in one place was
asked [2 years ago]( and finally,
this rule is a part of GraphQL-ESLint.

```json filename=".eslintrc.json"
  "rules": {
    "@graphql-eslint/no-one-place-fragments": "error"
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```graphql filename="❌ Incorrect"
fragment UserFields on User {

user {

  ```graphql filename="βœ… Correct"
    user {
      friends {
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New Options

groups Option for alphabetize Rule

alphabetize rule is one of the powerful GraphQL-ESLint rules, that can sort all the things in your
GraphQL, it also supports ESLint suggestions fixes.

Unfortunately, before it was not possible to configure to put some properties at the start or at the
end, but now it was fixed with new option groups.

Here is an example of configuration and cases:

```json filename=".eslintrc.json"
"rules": {
"@graphql-eslint/alphabetize": [
"fields": ["ObjectTypeDefinition"],
"groups": ["id", "*", "createdAt", "updatedAt"]

<Callout type="warning">`*` symbol is mandatory, which means everything else.</Callout>


  ```graphql filename="❌ Incorrect"
  type User {
    createdAt: DateTime!
    email: Email!
    firstName: String!
    id: ID!
    lastName: String!
    updatedAt: DateTime!
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```graphql filename="βœ… Correct"
type User {
id: ID!
email: Email!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!


### `rootField` Option for `require-description` Rule

This option enforces each field of root type (`Query`, `Mutation` and `Subscription`) to have a

```json filename=".eslintrc.json"
  "rules": {
    "@graphql-eslint/require-description": ["error", { "rootField": true }]
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```graphql filename="❌ Incorrect"
type Mutation {
createUser: User

type User {
name: String

  ```graphql filename="βœ… Correct"
  type Mutation {
    "Create a new user"
    createUser: User

  type User {
    name: String
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prefix Option for match-document-filename Rule

Previously in this rule, we had only a suffix option but in our open-source SAAS project
Hive, we prefix all files with executable definitions with
their operation types.

Now, everybody can take benefit from this new option πŸŽ‰.

```json filename=".eslintrc.json"
"rules": {
"@graphql-eslint/match-document-filename": [
"mutation": {
"style": "kebab-case",
"prefix": "mutation."


  ```graphql filename="❌ Incorrect"
  # createUser.graphql

  mutation CreateUser {
    # ...
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```graphql filename="βœ… Correct"
# mutation.create-user.graphql

mutation CreateUser {
# ...


## Next Steps

Check out [the roadmap for the V4 version](, the
next major will be released once ESLint 9 will out and of course, propose your suggestions πŸ™‚.

Don't forget to give a star ⭐️ for [GraphQL-ESLint]( if you
like it!

And Happy New 2023 Year! πŸŽ„πŸŽ‰ πŸ₯‚

### Community

Thanks to our contributors @FloEdelmann, @TuvalSimha and @tshedor.

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