some developers need to use a cloud server as a personal computer for fast development and remote use, and it's a very good idea but, how can install an Ubuntu desktop on it?
it's easy to do this by following some commands:
let's start by installing tasksel
sudo apt install -y tasksel
now you are ready to install ubuntu-desktop use this command
sudo apt install -y ubuntu-desktop
cloud servers by default don't have a display so you need to set a graphical target to up the GUI
sudo systemctl set-default
and WOW, it's working now.
Install XRDP
if you like to get a Remote control using RDP you can follow these steps, let's start by installing xrdp
sudo apt install xrdp -y
now we need to add SSL to xrdp using this command
usermod -a -G ssl-cert xrdp
now we need to add some commands to make xrdp auto-start
echo 'Unset DBUS_SESSION_ADDRESS' >> /etc/xrdp/
echo 'Unset XDG_RUNTIME_DIR' >> /etc/xrdp/
now xrdp is ready to connect we have just 1 step, we need to allow port 3389 to access xrdp
ufw allow from to any port 3389
ufw reload
now you can connect with any RDP client to your remote server.
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