Spread Operator
Imagine you have two lists of friends and you want to combine them into one list.
const schoolFriends = ['Ali', 'Bilol', 'Umar'];
const workFriends = ['Ubayda', 'Hamza', 'Abdulloh'];
const allFriends = [...schoolFriends, ...workFriends]
Suppose you have two objects representing your personal and work contact information, and you want to combine them into one contact object.
const personalInfo = {
name: 'Khojiakbar',
phone: '90-024-10-98',
const workInfo = {
email: 'hojiakbar7796@mail.ru',
phone: '010-8210-4488',
const combinedInfo = {
Rest Operator
You are organising a party and want to create a function that takes an indefinite number of guest names and prints them.
function inviteGuests(host, ...guests) {
console.log(`Host: ${host}`);
console.log(`Guests: ${guests.join(', ')}`);
inviteGuests('Khojiakbar', 'Umar', 'Uthman', 'Bilal');
You have a list of tasks for the day and want to separate the first task from the rest.
const firstTask = ['Wake up'];
const remainingTasks = ['Brush your teeth', 'Wash your face', 'Go to work']
console.log(`First task: ${firstTask}`);
console.log(`Remaining tasks: ${remainingTasks.join(', ')}`);
You have a user profile object and you want to separate the username from the rest of the profile details.
const userProfile = {
username: 'Khojiakbar',
age: 26,
job: 'programmer',
city: 'Tashkent region',
const {username, ...otherDetails} = userProfile
console.log(`Username: ${username}`);
console.log(`Profile Details:`, otherDetails);
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