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Abdul Rafey
Abdul Rafey

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I got frustrated while developing a website on my own

tldr; There are many layers to learning web development and video tutorials teaches you the last one.

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I went blank when I sat down to design a website. I want to start freelancing as a web developer and chose to build a Local Restaurant website as a project. This journey humbled me to the core as I ain't even a newbie programmer but couldn't code a simple website. How can I get stuck at the start of a project. In this article I share the most important lessons learned while designing a website and what I wish everyone starting their career should do.

The Story

Previously, I have created many projects following video tutorials. I wasn't new to programming or development and was confident enough about calling myself a Web developer but this personal project gave me a reality check.
I had a picture in my mind of how the Restaurant website would
look like but got stuck while trying to get the design on the paper. I had no idea where to start, or what is even included in the design of a website.
I stood up, walked and then 15 minutes later, "MVC!". I have read about MVC architecture somewhere. That's it! I should design the database first.

The Database and Schemas

After designing the database and I set myself to write database schema using Mongodb. But I didn't know how to do it. After clicking a couple of links I realized its the Mongoose that we use to write db schemas :D
While coding the schemas I was worried if the user will enter
the correct input, what if he doesn't. I searched on internet
and realized that I already saw in one of those video tutorials how data is validated using Mongoose. But I didn't remember such an important step.
Even better in my research, I realized that we can move validation step to the frontend. Look, we find new stuff when we research. Then there is this line export default model('Customer', CustomerSchema). I didn't know what default does. I didn't even knew what is the type of the entity we are exporting. Is it an object, a fn, or what?


I ended up reviewing the fundamentals of javascript and discovered new things like ES6 modules and earlier versions of Javascript and browser compatibility issues and V8 and spidermonkey.
Still I wasn't confident in writing code the javascript way and if my code is even secure. I ended up solving more than 300 small problems on javascript such as, capitalize the first letter of all the words in a string.
I can't tell how much I didn't know about javascript :D

Auth and Management

Attending the project again, I decided to develop the authentication mechanism. Did a little research and implemented JWT based authentication.
The issue now was that I didn't know what to do next. I had no plans, nothing beyond the database design. This is the point where I realized why project management is necessary.
Presently I am learning how to manage projects, how to break
down the application into smaller pieces. Your advice would be really helpful here.


  • There are many layers that lies before the final product and after the final product. Only if you build a project on your own will you discover them. I wish I could force every junior/new programmer like me to build a project on their own even if it doesn't land on their resume.
  • Coding should be among the last tasks on your plan.
  • video tutorials aren't effective in my opinion. Instead one should go for walkthrough articles. One such walkthrough I can recommend on is a book Obey The Testing Goat which teaches test driven development through django.


I am a Software Engineer, and an Open Source Contributor with contributions in GCC Rust Compiler and Geany IDE. Presently improving my skills to start freelancing.
I am already a programmer with decent knowledge of web development. I will share my learnings here. But I promise to not spam you with #day 1 or #day 2 kind of posts. I don't prefer that kind of approach. Instead, any article I share should give the readers some knowledge that they can apply in their life.
If you have any freelancing tips then do share with me :)

Top comments (3)

mcondon profile image
Micah Condon

there's nothing like struggling through the many layers of projects like this to level up your skills and to discover which parts you don't understand as well as you thought you did!

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo • Edited

That why is simplify the development process the idea behind the react library framework.
State -> Reneder -> Action -> new State
This philosophy can be easy to trasnform to any other framwork.
So the first the first step is figure out the state ( filled by database <- Shemas ) then design a pages ( Render )
And finally add a bit business logic ( Action )
& voila done
functional programing : This is the way!

springstudent profile image
Baby Is Daddy's Master

I can really relate to that experience