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Abhiraj Adhikary
Abhiraj Adhikary

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Getting Started with Steampipe for Real-Time Cloud Data Queries in Data Science

Here's a detailed blog on "Getting Started with Steampipe for Real-Time Cloud Data Queries in Data Science" written in Markdown format. This blog introduces Steampipe, explains its relevance to Data Science, and provides code examples for querying cloud APIs (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure) using SQL.

Getting Started with Steampipe for Real-Time Cloud Data Queries in Data Science

Data Science projects often rely heavily on cloud resources, whether it's for hosting large datasets, training machine learning models, or managing infrastructure. Querying and monitoring cloud data in real-time is a crucial aspect of managing cloud environments effectively. This is where Steampipe comes in.

Steampipe provides a powerful, SQL-based interface to query cloud infrastructure data, which is invaluable for data scientists working with cloud resources like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. In this guide, we'll cover how you can leverage Steampipe for real-time cloud data queries to enhance your data science workflows.

What is Steampipe?

Steampipe is an open-source CLI tool that allows you to query cloud infrastructure using SQL. It integrates with various cloud services (AWS, Azure, GCP, and more) and offers a unified interface to access data. Think of it as a powerful cloud auditing and exploration tool with a familiar SQL querying interface.

For data science projects, Steampipe can be especially useful for:

  • Monitoring cloud resources (e.g., EC2 instances, S3 buckets).
  • Fetching real-time data from cloud databases.
  • Auditing infrastructure used in machine learning pipelines.

Why Steampipe for Data Science?

When building data science solutions, cloud infrastructure plays a key role in storing data, hosting models, and providing compute resources. Querying and analyzing the status of these resources in real time allows data scientists to:

  1. Track Resource Utilization: Monitor compute instances (like EC2) used for model training.
  2. Analyze Cost Trends: Keep an eye on cloud costs and optimize resource usage.
  3. Ensure Compliance: Verify that data is stored securely and accessed correctly.
  4. Fetch Data: Query data directly from cloud services for further analysis or model training.

Using SQL queries makes this process intuitive for data scientists familiar with databases.

Setting Up Steampipe

Before we begin querying cloud APIs, let's set up Steampipe on your system.

1. Install Steampipe

You can install Steampipe on Linux, macOS, or Windows by following the instructions here.

2. Install Plugins

Steampipe uses plugins to connect to different services like AWS, GCP, or Azure. Each plugin adds specific tables that correspond to the services offered by the cloud provider.

For example, to install the AWS plugin:

steampipe plugin install aws
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For Google Cloud:

steampipe plugin install gcp
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For Azure:

steampipe plugin install azure
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3. Configure Credentials

To query cloud services, you'll need to configure access credentials for your cloud provider.

AWS Configuration:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-access-key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-secret-key>
export AWS_REGION=<your-region>
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Google Cloud Configuration:

export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=<your-project-id>
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path-to-your-service-account-key.json>
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Azure Configuration:

You can configure Azure credentials using the Azure CLI or environment variables as detailed in Azure plugin documentation.

Querying Cloud Data Using SQL

With Steampipe set up, let’s dive into querying cloud infrastructure using SQL. Below are examples for querying resources in AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure.

1. Querying AWS EC2 Instances

When working on machine learning projects, monitoring EC2 instances (often used for model training or inference) is important.

Here’s how you can list all active EC2 instances with details like instance ID, type, and state:

  state_name = 'running';
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  • aws_ec2_instance is the table provided by the AWS plugin.
  • We're selecting columns such as instance_id, instance_type, state_name, and region.
  • The where clause filters instances that are currently running.

This is useful for tracking which instances are currently being used in your data science workflows.

2. Querying Google Cloud Storage Buckets

If you're storing datasets in Google Cloud Storage, it's helpful to audit and track these storage buckets.

Here’s how to query all buckets in a specific project:

  location = 'US';
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  • gcp_storage_bucket is the table provided by the Google Cloud plugin.
  • We’re selecting the bucket name, location, and storage_class.
  • The where clause filters for buckets located in the US.

You can modify this query to track bucket storage usage or fetch metadata for datasets stored in the cloud.

3. Querying Azure Virtual Machines

In Azure, virtual machines (VMs) are often used for data processing and model deployment. Querying their status helps ensure that you're not running idle VMs, which can incur unnecessary costs.

Here’s a simple query to list active VMs:

  power_state = 'VM running';
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  • azure_compute_virtual_machine is the table provided by the Azure plugin.
  • We're selecting VM details like name, vm_id, location, os_type, and power_state.
  • The where clause filters for VMs that are currently running.

Use Cases for Data Science

1. Cost Management

Real-time queries allow you to monitor the cost of cloud resources used for model training or data processing. For example, using Steampipe to track running instances ensures you're only paying for active resources.

2. Resource Optimization

With real-time visibility into cloud infrastructure, you can optimize the use of cloud instances. Querying stopped or idle VMs ensures resources are not wasted.

3. Data Access

If you store data in cloud storage like S3 or Google Cloud Storage, Steampipe allows you to audit storage usage, fetch metadata, and ensure that datasets are properly organized and accessible.


Steampipe is a powerful tool for querying cloud infrastructure in real time using SQL, making it ideal for data science students and professionals who rely on cloud platforms for their projects. By simplifying cloud queries, it allows you to monitor resources, optimize costs, and ensure compliance with ease.

Whether you're working with AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure, Steampipe provides a unified interface to access your cloud infrastructure and manage it effectively for data science workflows.

Further Reading:

With Steampipe, you can streamline your cloud-based data science operations by simply writing SQL queries. Start exploring and make your cloud infrastructure more efficient!

By following this guide, data scientists at intermediate or advanced levels can easily incorporate real-time cloud data queries into their workflows, helping them improve efficiency and manage cloud resources effectively.

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