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Abid Gul Shahid
Abid Gul Shahid

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Freedom or Fast Development

why would you will choose freedom over fast development or Fast development over Freedom ?

Top comments (8)

bradtaniguchi profile image

This is a little too generic to answer without making a bunch of potentially incorrect assumptions.

What do you mean by "freedom", and "fast development"?

It could even be said that "freedom" can lead to "faster development", if freedom means freedom to try new things without fear of breaking stuff.

abidgulshahid profile image
Abid Gul Shahid

Like in while developing a Web in Node.JS you have the freedom you can use whatever you want but developing a web in Django you don't have that kind freedom like in you have in NODE.JS.

rtivital profile image
Vitaly Rtishchev

This is just incorrect comparison, node is a platform, while Django is a framework. You can get the same "freedom" with python on its own.

owenmelbz profile image
Owen Melbourne

Do you mean something like "Using a framework" vs "Going vanilla" ? Where a framework might impose certain opionions or ways of doing things, such as routing.

Whereas if you do not use a framework, you can do your routing however you like?

abidgulshahid profile image
Abid Gul Shahid

Yes i m taking about going vanilla. I heard alot that framework impose some strictions.

carltonupp profile image
Carlton Upperdine

Most applications are created to solve a business problem, and most business problems are solvable with fairly standard technologies. Convention > Configuration.

abidgulshahid profile image
Abid Gul Shahid

In convention case what technologies you will use ?

carltonupp profile image
Carlton Upperdine

I mostly use ASP.NET Core, which isn’t a perfect example, but in the past I’ve built side projects with Rails, Django and NestJS.