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Cover image for Adminer! A useful and very simple alternative to PhpMyAdmin
Anderson Brandão
Anderson Brandão

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Adminer! A useful and very simple alternative to PhpMyAdmin

I had some... issues with phpmyadmin. This was a good oportunity to look for an alternative. After trying out some options, luckily I found the Adminer.

Adminer is an efficient database manager tool that promises better user experience, support to Mysql features, performance and security than PhpMyAdmin.

In fact, there is a section on website explaining why you should replace right now!

How it works!?

This is as simple as possible. Just download a single php file and put into your document root folder and access! After the authentication, you can manage your databases.

That's it! No annoying configurations.

Adminer.css design


The default design is not exactly beautiful. So, you can download an adminer.css file from the website - after choose your prefered option - and put it next to your adminer.php file to see the magic!

Enjoy! XD

Top comments (10)

kodierkroete profile image
Steffen Frosch


as i am not a great fan of these tools, i would like to point out some alternatives. Sequel Pro if you are using a mac or HeidiSQL on windows (with wine on mac and linux too) or multi platform MySQL Workbench.

These tools are available for free and offer all the functionality you need. You can use SSH connections to connect to remote hosts and you wont compromise your server (or dev machine) when there is a security issue.

abrandao profile image
Anderson Brandão

I agree. There is most powerfull tools. I am not using Adminer on production. I like Adminer so much just because it's a single file with all resources I need.

kodierkroete profile image
Steffen Frosch

And nothing wrong with it. I wanted to add a word of caution because i've seen these things in production myself. And it didn't end well. So if it works for you great ;) And i can totally relate to a configuration fatigue. The easier a tool is to use the better for us!

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

Wait PhpMyAdmin is not simple? I think by using it for so long I got used to it.

Anyway another simple alternative are the official tools

abrandao profile image
Anderson Brandão

I didn't say PhpMyAdmin is not simple. I just show a very(dont need to install) simple alternative.

Thanks for comment.

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G. • Edited

Adminer is way simpler indeed, but because it removes many the functionalities and settings, but is more versatile.

Anyway I use and recommend using docker for development environments, for many obvious reasons.

docker run --name myadmin -d -e PMA_HOST=dbhost -p 8080:80 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
docker run --link some_database:db -p 8080:8080 adminer
Thread Thread
abrandao profile image
Anderson Brandão

Thanks. I am using docker and Adminer.

mnlwldr profile image

I use adminer every day. I like it because it’s only one php file and easy to use with the php builtin server

anujshr profile image

Adminer is just great. Less hassle to install and supports everything you need. Except you need some heavy duty things.

gluseppe profile image
Giuseppe Frau

So simple to get it working. I use it with postgresql and I just love it.