In this article i am going to find the maximum value from the array,i will use multiple approach to find the maximum value from the array.
Mehod 1: using math method
let max_value = [4,10,3,20];
Math.max.apply(0,max_value)// 20
Method 2: sort array in descending order
let max_value = [4,10,3,20];
let sortedArray = max_value.sort((a,b)=>b-a);
sortedArray[0]; // 20
Method 3: using spread operator(ES6)
let max_value = [4,10,3,20];
Math.max(...max_value); // 20
Method 4: using loop
let max_value = [4,10,3,20];
let max = max_value[0];
let i;
let len = max_value.length;
max = max_value[i]; // 20
Method 5: using reduce
let max_value = [4,10,3,20];
max_value.reduce((a,b)=>Math.max(a,b)); // 20
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