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Adam Crockett πŸŒ€
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

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Resume review

Where do you get a resume review?

For example here is my review copy which anyone can comment and help out or drop a comment bellow, If you have a resume you would like to review πŸ€—, drop a link in the comments but don't forget to remove any private information πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

A review copy of Adam Crockett's resume

Top comments (6)

lico profile image
SeongKuk Han

I just saw your resume and apparently, I really need to work a lot on my resume though, this is the resume I have now.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

So it’s good but it doesn’t tell me about you, your bio is the first part that makes me want to read more.

In the UK they say to never give away your age or nationality and to never include a photo. I have however seen many people give a photo in their resume so perhaps it’s a cultural thing. I personally want people to judge me on my work alone

lico profile image
SeongKuk Han

My bio! Thank you for uour advice :) I didn't know I could use the bio in my resume. Yes, putting photo, age, nationality is a cultural thing in Germany. I will add the bio in my resume.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

That’s so clever how you have used notion, I will take a read and get back to you.

felipeboliveira profile image
Felipe Oliveira

I need to create an English version of my resume (i'm from Brazil). I recently affected by a layoff, i saw many international opportunities, but i need to improve my english pronunciation (i really have trouble trying to pronounce some sounds) but my listening is good, lately i consume a lot of Youtube videos in english and I've been forcing myself to write to practice.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

You could have fooled me, keep going you are doing great!