DEV Community

Adam Crockett 🌀
Adam Crockett 🌀

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Senior Growth is Brutal

Hello everyone, better that I get this out in the open, being a senior dev still involves a hell of a lot of personal growth, contrary to my initial belief that the great seniors I see are PERFECT, they probably (and i say that with a heavy question mark) go through the same journey of learning, and apparently I am doing many many things, even knowing some of these things are not great behaviours, but doing it anyway, I won't lie, I'm not going to frame it that I am not messing up, but the failing, is being caught if only by me, I am trying not to do it again because you know why it's bad.

It's a painful process, I've never felt so much imposters syndrome in my entire career and I am grateful and hopeful that my colleagues are patient, I certainly am going through a phase of the junior senior, and I hope it stops soon... Even being a bad developer at time to time, taking shortcuts... Because GSD!

I want to be positive but I just need a win soon to validate my lizard brain 🧠

Rant over, you don't have to understand it I just needed to vent

Top comments (1)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Good Luck ❤️