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Exploring GraalVM and Polyglot Programming

GraalVM is a high-performance runtime that provides significant improvements in application performance and efficiency. One of its standout features is its support for polyglot programming, allowing developers to write and run code in multiple languages seamlessly within a single application.

What is GraalVM?

GraalVM is an open-source project that extends the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to support additional languages such as JavaScript, Python, Ruby, R, and LLVM-based languages. It provides a just-in-time (JIT) compiler and a native image feature to compile Java applications into standalone executables.

Benefits of GraalVM

  1. Polyglot Capabilities: GraalVM allows you to write code in multiple languages and execute them in the same runtime, facilitating easier integration and reducing the complexity of managing different runtimes.
  2. Performance: The Graal JIT compiler provides significant performance improvements over the traditional JVM JIT compiler.
  3. Native Image: GraalVM can compile Java applications into native executables, which start faster and consume less memory compared to traditional JVM applications.

Polyglot Programming with GraalVM

GraalVM makes it easy to integrate code from different languages. Here’s an example of how to use Java and JavaScript together:

  1. Install GraalVM: Ensure you have GraalVM installed and set up.

  2. Write a Polyglot Application:

Java Code:

import org.graalvm.polyglot.*;

public class PolyglotExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (Context context = Context.create()) {
            context.eval("js", "console.log('Hello from JavaScript!');");
            Value array = context.eval("js", "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]");
            System.out.println("Array length: " + array.getArraySize());
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In this example:

  • We create a Context object to execute JavaScript code.
  • We use the eval method to run JavaScript code from within our Java application.
  • We interact with a JavaScript array and retrieve its length.

Performance Benefits

GraalVM’s JIT compiler can significantly improve the performance of your applications. It optimizes code execution by dynamically compiling bytecode into machine code at runtime, resulting in faster execution speeds.

Native Image Compilation

GraalVM can compile Java applications into native executables using the native-image tool. Here’s how you can compile a simple Java application:

  1. Write a Java Application:

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, Native Image!");
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  1. Compile to Native Image:
native-image HelloWorld
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  1. Run the Native Executable:
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The resulting executable starts instantly and consumes less memory compared to running the application on the JVM.


GraalVM and its polyglot programming capabilities open up new possibilities for developers, allowing seamless integration of multiple languages and significant performance improvements. Whether you’re looking to enhance your application’s performance or integrate different languages, GraalVM offers the tools and features you need.

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