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Aditya Singh
Aditya Singh

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Call, Apply and Bind

πŸ’‘ In JavaScript, call, apply and bind are three methods that are used to manipulate the β€˜this’ context in a particular function.

First let me create a simple object to explain this:

var person = {
    name : "john",
    hello: function(thing){
        console.log( " says hello "+ thing);

person.hello("world"); //john says hello world
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Call, apply and bind allow us to explicitly set the execution context for the this keyword


It is used to invoke a function with specified this value and individual arguments. The syntax is:, arg1, arg2, ...);

var person = {
    name : "john",
    hello: function(thing){
        console.log( " says hello "+ thing);

var alterEgo = {
  name: "Rose"
};, "world"); //Rose says hello world
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It works same as Call method, but here we take array of all our parameters.

for example:

var person = {
    name : "john",
    hello: function(thing){
        console.log( " says hello "+ thing);

var alterEgo = {
  name: "Rose"
};, ["world"]); //Rose says hello world
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It works the same as call , but instead of executing the function, it returns a new function that can be executed later. The syntax is:

var newFunction = functionName.bind(thisArg, arg1, arg2, ...);

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var person = {
    name : "john",
    hello: function(thing){
        console.log( " says hello "+ thing);

var alterEgo = {
  name: "Rose"

var helloRose = person.hello.bind(alterEgo, "world");
helloRose(); //Rose says hello world
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