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Simple chatbot to improve Happiness

This is a submission for Twilio Challenge v24.06.12

What I Built

The idea about this project is very simple. Its an attempt to boost positivity as people are more and more stressed in their daily lives. Simple things such as viewing images of nature(or actually going out for a walk in sunlight), pets, reading positive quotes etc. can provide quick mood improvements(ref).
This whatsapp chatbot would basically send you images of cute dogs and daily stoic quotes and refer you with additional details on how to get more help if possible.


Scenario 1

24 June 2024 - YouTube

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This video shows a scenario where in you are feeling perfectly fine and would keep on recieving daily stoic quotes. For the purpose of recording this video the cron job was set to run every second.

Scenario 2

This shows the entire flow of the application from the start to the time you recieve a message.

Twilio and AI

I have used whatsapp and sms messaging channels alongwith google gemini.

The way it works is we start by sending a hello to a twilio chatbot on whatsapp. Which would then trigger a simple decision tree and would show you random generated pics of dogs as well as send you daily stoic quotes based on where you are within the decision tree. If you feel that repeatedly watching images of animals are not helpful we would send you a message(sms) with the relevant details on where and how you can avail help to keep things discreet as you could be in a setting where in you might have to open your phone in public and are a bit concerned about your privacy(mental health stigma).

Additional Prize Categories

Twilio Times Two: Contains usage of twilio messaging channels like sms and whatsapp(webhook too) alongwith twiML.
Impactful Innovators: Helps boost positivity in daily life and provides additional resources if required.
Entertaining Endeavors: CUTE DOG IMAGES!!!

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