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Spoof a commit on GitHub. From Anyone.

Alex Grinman on August 02, 2018

Did you know that anyone can commit as you on GitHub? If you don't believe me, just browse through this repository's forged commits or use our to...
phlash profile image
Phil Ashby

[full disclosure - I work for an identity intelligence company!]

Thanks for the head up Alex, although I would question the use of Github accounts as a source of trusted identity (suggested by other comments below via Github's help pages). These are likely to be trivially forge-able too.

Git's support for GPG keys to strengthen the trust in a commit is based on the assumption that the committer already owns a trusted GPG identity (where the trust is obtained through other parties attesting to their identity / key signing, in the usual GPG way).

Where this isn't possible, it may be better to look at federation with trusted identity providers, such as those who assure IDs for banks, governments, etc. Depends what the value of that commit is I guess!

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Several months back, I was setting up a new project on GitHub. As I was configuring my protected branches, I noticed a checkbox for "Require signed commits". I'm one of those obsessive box-checker freaks. So, when I noticed this new box, I clicked on the link to see what it was about and how to make it so I could check the box. Been signing commits ever since then (and Slack-shaming teammates whose commits don't have the green Verified box).

adityavarma1234 profile image
Aditya Varma

Why is the repository disabled?

agrinman profile image
Alex Grinman

It's unfortunate -- I guess GitHub decided it was against their ToS. I don't agree personally, and we made it very clear that was a demonstration, but we must respect their decision (and ability) to do this :/

jfinstrom profile image
James Finstrom

itsafeature 😁

I work for a major open source project and commit patches from other developers. It is their code they get credit. Committing to your repos should generally be restricted anyway. Some places use signed commits as a form of CLA bit over all this is a necessary thing.

crawlingcity profile image

This works on bitbucket too, had a coworker commiting as myself for a while because my name and email was somehow configured inside a docker container

jrtibbetts profile image
Jason R Tibbetts • Edited

Can you use this method to spoof a user with more permissions than you normally have, such as someone with PR merge permission?

(Asking for a friend. ;))

mgh87 profile image
Martin Huter

Thanks for spreading the word on signing git commits.

Know all of it, but still enjoyed reading.

rhymes profile image

Didn't know! Thanks!

Is this the solution?

agrinman profile image
Alex Grinman


ankurk91 profile image
Ankur K

Here is how to setup GPG for Github-

leob profile image

Awesome, didn't realize this!

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

The repo is down :(