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Akpamzy Junior
Akpamzy Junior

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My Mobile Development Journey and Architectural Insights

The Journey Begins

Embarking on the journey of mobile development is both thrilling and challenging. I started my journey as a mobile developer, specifically a Flutter developer, six months ago. It's been challenging, tasking, but above all, thrilling. One minute I am happy that my code works ☺️☺️, and the next minute I start to ask myself what I am doing in this career space and feel like crying 😩😭.

But above it all, it feels fulfilling to have the knowledge and power to build real-life solutions through mobile development. Well this article is not just to bore you with my personal experiences but to highlight some of the dynamics, architecture and frameworks of mobile development

I can't help but reflect on the fascinating landscape of mobile development platforms and the architectural patterns that drive them. Join me as I explore these concepts (Don’t say I didn’t do anything for you oo 😒)

Mobile Development Platforms

What is mobile app development: Mobile app development is the process of creating applications that run on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. It involves designing and coding software that users can download and use on platforms like Android and iOS.

When it comes to mobile development, there are multiple platforms and frameworks to consider: Android, iOS, and cross-platform frameworks like Flutter and React Native. Each platform and framework has its own set of tools, languages, and benefits, making the choice between them crucial for any aspiring mobile developer.

What is Mobile Development?

Mobile development is the process of creating software applications that run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This involves designing, coding, testing, and deploying apps for various platforms. Mobile development can be done using platform-specific languages and tools or cross-platform frameworks that allow a single codebase to work on multiple operating systems.

Mobile Development Platforms

When it comes to mobile development, there are multiple platforms and frameworks to consider: Android, iOS, and cross-platform frameworks like Flutter and React Native. Each platform and framework has its own set of tools, languages, and benefits, making the choice between them crucial for any aspiring developer.


Android is a popular mobile operating system developed by Google. It uses Java or Kotlin as its primary programming languages and offers a wide range of tools through Android Studio.


Wide user base: Android has a large global market share, which means a potentially vast audience for your app.
Extensive customization: Developers have significant freedom to customize their apps and the user interface.
Easier app publishing process: The Google Play Store has a less stringent app approval process compared to Apple’s App Store.


Device fragmentation: Android runs on a wide variety of devices with different screen sizes and hardware capabilities, making optimization challenging.
Security vulnerabilities: The open nature of Android can lead to higher security risks.


iOS is Apple's mobile operating system. It uses Swift or Objective-C as its primary programming languages and provides a cohesive development environment through Xcode.


Consistent user experience: iOS offers a uniform look and feel across devices, leading to a more consistent user experience.
Higher likelihood of monetization: iOS users are generally more willing to pay for apps and in-app purchases.
Better security: iOS is known for its robust security features.


Less flexibility: Developers have less freedom to customize the user interface compared to Android.
Higher development costs: Developing for iOS can be more expensive due to the need for Mac hardware and stricter app approval processes.


Flutter is a cross-platform framework developed by Google. It allows developers to create applications for Android, iOS, and other platforms using a single codebase written in Dart.


Single codebase for multiple platforms: Write once, run anywhere approach saves time and effort.
Rich pre-designed widgets: Flutter provides a comprehensive set of customizable widgets for building UIs.
Hot reload feature: Allows developers to see changes in real-time without restarting the app.


Larger app size: Flutter apps tend to have a larger binary size compared to native apps.
Limited native features: Some platform-specific features may not be fully supported.

React Native

React Native is a popular cross-platform framework developed by Facebook. It allows developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React.


Single codebase: Like Flutter, React Native enables developers to write one codebase that works on multiple platforms.
Large community support: A vast community provides numerous libraries, plugins, and resources.
Hot reload feature: Developers can instantly see the results of their code changes.


Performance issues: React Native apps can face performance bottlenecks compared to native apps.
Complexity in custom modules: Implementing custom native modules can be challenging and require deeper platform-specific knowledge.

Software Architecture Patterns

Choosing the right software architecture pattern is crucial for the success and maintainability of any mobile application. Here are some common patterns used in mobile development:

Model-View-Controller (MVC)
MVC is a design pattern that separates an application into three main components: Model, View, and Controller.

Model: Manages the data and business logic of the application.

View: Handles the presentation layer and user interface.

Controller: Acts as an intermediary between the Model and View, processing user input and updating the View accordingly.


Clear separation of concerns: Each component has a distinct responsibility, making the application easier to manage and understand.
Easy to understand and implement: MVC is straightforward and widely used, making it accessible to developers.


Tight coupling: Controllers can become tightly coupled with views, leading to difficulties in testing and maintenance.
Scalability issues: As the application grows, managing the interactions between components can become complex.

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)

MVVM is a design pattern that enhances the separation of concerns by introducing the ViewModel component.

Model: Manages the data and business logic.

View: Handles the presentation layer and user interface.

ViewModel: Acts as a mediator between the Model and View, managing the data display logic and user input handling.
Easy data binding: MVVM facilitates two-way data binding between the View and ViewModel, simplifying the synchronization of UI and data.
Enhanced testability: The ViewModel can be tested independently of the View, improving the overall testability of the application.


Steeper learning curve: MVVM can be more challenging to understand and implement compared to MVC.
Overhead in smaller applications: For simple apps, the added complexity of MVVM may not be justified.

Clean Architecture

Clean Architecture is a design pattern that emphasizes separation of concerns and independent layers.

Entities: Represent the core business logic and rules.

Use Cases: Define the application-specific business rules and interact with the entities.

Interface Adapters: Convert data between the use cases and the user interface or external systems.

Frameworks and Drivers: Handle the technical details such as databases, user interfaces, and external APIs.


Highly scalable and maintainable: The clear separation of concerns and independent layers make the application easier to scale and maintain.
Independent layers for easy modification: Changes in one layer do not affect other layers, allowing for more flexibility and easier updates.


Complex for small projects: The architecture can be overkill for simple applications with limited functionality.
Time-consuming setup: The initial setup and configuration can be time-consuming and require a deeper understanding of the pattern.

Journey with HNG Internship

I strongly believe Joining the HNG Internship is a significant milestone in my mobile development journey. I am thrilled about the journey ahead however I am also scared of the (shege) ahead too 😭. The HNG Internship is the perfect platform for anyone who loves mobile development to channel their passion for technology and innovation into creating meaningful applications. It provides a unique blend of hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge, essential for becoming a proficient mobile developer.

I am super thrilled about HNG because it perfectly simulates ideating, building, and pushing a real live product that solves day to day problems. I took the marketing stack in the HNG x program, and it really helped me in my career to multi-stack and also work under pressure, it was like I was a new person at my place of work after the internship program.

Another amazing thing about the Hng internship program is the program connects employers with top-notch talent who have gone through the rigorous training program via the HNG HIRE platform.


Mobile development is a dynamic and rewarding field. Understanding the platforms and architecture patterns is crucial for building successful applications. As I embark on this journey with the HNG Internship, I look forward to growing my skills, building amazing apps, and contributing to the tech community. Let's make this journey unforgettable!

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