Welcome to our Film Script Analyzer powered by
Lyzr SDK! In this blog post, we’ll explore how this innovative tool can decode film scripts, helping you uncover the intricacies of storytelling, character motivations, thematic elements, and more.
Understanding the Tool :
Our Film Script Analyzer is built using the Lyzr SDK, a powerful natural language processing tool designed to facilitate interaction with textual data. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation), this tool allows for seamless communication between users and the uploaded PDF scripts.
Why use Lyzr SDK’s?
With Lyzr SDKs, crafting your own GenAI application is a breeze, requiring only a few lines of code to get up and running swiftly.
Lets get Started!
Create a new file app.py and use that
import os
import streamlit as st
from lyzr import ChatBot
from utils import utils
The Python script utilizes the os module for operating system interaction, streamlit for building interactive web applications, and lyzr for chatbot functionality. Additionally, it references a utils module for auxiliary tasks.
Also the utils.py module likely contains utility functions for handling file operations within the application. These functions would likely include methods to save uploaded files, retrieve files, and remove files as needed. These operations are crucial for managing user input and ensuring proper handling of files throughout the application's workflow.
Next Set Up OpenAI API Key and using Streamlit’s secrets management, set up the OpenAI API key within your Streamlit application. Replace "OPENAI_API_KEY" with the actual key name defined in your Streamlit secrets where your OpenAI API key is stored.
# Set OpenAI API key
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = st.secrets["apikey"]
# Function to initialize ChatBot for PDF files
def initialize_chatbot(file_path):
vector_store_params = {
"vector_store_type": "WeaviateVectorStore",
"url": st.secrets["WEVIATE_URL"],
"api_key": st.secrets["WEVIATE_API"],
"index_name": f"File{file_path[0:4]}IndexName"
chatbot = ChatBot.pdf_chat(input_files=[file_path], vector_store_params=vector_store_params)
return chatbot
In this snippet the initialize_chatbot function initializes a chatbot specifically tailored for processing PDF files. It accepts a file_path argument indicating the path to the PDF file to be processed.
The function configures parameters for a vector store, including the type (WeaviateVectorStore), URL, API key, and index name based on the file path. Using these parameters, it initializes the chatbot using the pdf_chat method from the ChatBot class/module. Finally, it returns the initialized chatbot object, enabling interaction with PDF data through the specified vector store
def pdf_chat_integration():
# Upload PDF file
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload PDF script", type=['pdf'])
if uploaded_file is not None: # Check if file is uploaded
st.success(f"File uploaded: {uploaded_file.name} (PDF)")
st.markdown("### Pre-Prompts:")
prompts = [
"Can you provide a summary of the main characters' motivations and arcs?",
"How does the setting contribute to the overall mood or atmosphere of the story?",
"What thematic elements or messages does the script explore?",
"What is the central conflict driving the narrative of the film?"
# Display pre-defined prompts as buttons
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
for i, prompt in enumerate(prompts):
if i % 2 == 0:
button = col1.button(prompt, key=f"button_{i}")
button = col2.button(prompt, key=f"button_{i}")
# Check if button is clicked
if button:
file_path = utils.save_uploaded_file(uploaded_file) # Save uploaded file
if file_path is not None: # Check if file is saved successfully
print("File saved at:", file_path) # Print file path for debugging
chatbot = initialize_chatbot(file_path)
if chatbot:
response = chatbot.chat(prompt) # Use selected prompt
st.error("Failed to initialize chatbot. Please try again.")
question = st.text_input("Ask a question about the document:")
if st.button("Get Answer"):
file_path = utils.save_uploaded_file(uploaded_file) # Save uploaded file
if file_path is not None: # Check if file is saved successfully
print("File saved at:", file_path) # Print file path for debugging
chatbot = initialize_chatbot(file_path)
if chatbot:
response = chatbot.chat(question) # Corrected method call
st.error("Failed to initialize chatbot. Please try again.")
st.warning("Please upload a PDF file.")
The pdf_chat_integration function enables interaction with a PDF document by allowing users to upload a PDF file and ask questions about its content. It starts by providing an option to upload a PDF file, displaying predefined prompts as buttons for users to choose from.
Upon selecting a prompt, it saves the uploaded file and initializes a chatbot specifically designed for processing PDF files. It then retrieves a response from the chatbot based on the selected prompt and displays it to the user.
Additionally, users can ask custom questions about the document using a text input field, with the function providing responses based on the user's query. If no PDF file is uploaded, it prompts the user to do so. Overall, the function facilitates dynamic interaction with PDF documents through a chatbot interface.
Watch the tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ifeNtqQu4A
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