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Alara Oluwatoyin Joel
Alara Oluwatoyin Joel

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What I have learnt so far from 100Days challenge

I finished 100 days of code round 3 on the 23rd of April 2020. Within a year, I have gone through 3 iterations of this challenge, and my tech knowledge has skyrocketed

It feels like just yesterday when I was learning HTML 4 and css2 from a VTC course (maybe all those details will be in another blog shortly).

In my first round of the 100 days challenge, I started learning the foundations of javascript, while completing my Freecodecamp responsive web developer projects. And I also completed Wesbos's javascript 30 challenge (where we build 30 amazing projects, all in vanilla js).

Finally, I worked began working through Andrei Neagoie's Complete web developer's course.
In round two, I went deeper into Andrei's course and finished up with the full stack react project. It was intense and quite fulfilling. Technologies I got to work with include:
Vanilla js
This was a real workload and an eyeopener on how the industry runs. It's obvious that a lot of hard work goes into building web projects, but what is admirable is the fluidity, teamwork and cohesiveness required to get things done, and on time.

Round 3 for me took a rather different turn, in terms of momentum and concentration. A lot of personal issues got in the way of my otherwise stellar learning speed, and it became quite a struggle to keep up. I would have been riding on eagles wings if things remained the same, but still, I didn't fall off the clouds.

At this point I was focused on brushing myself up professionally, so most of the challenge was spent on building a portfolio from scratch, using Webpack as a bundler. I took quite some time to get it done because there was quite a lot to learn and figure out for myself.
I also made another attempt at WorldQuant University's data science diploma.

At the close of this round, my portfolio was ready, and I had learned quite a lot of things about production environments, and responsive design. My main focus now was on completing part 1 of my data science diploma.

In a nutshell, I would say that the 100 Days Of Code challenge helps you to keep up with coding and hence helps develops your skills as a programmer. Whether your a beginner, or already working as a dev, partaking in this challenge helps hold you accountable, and always pushed you to learn, or at least (for working devs) write down and track your improvements.

My little advice will be to take your time and really pick up the fundamentals first, and do more projects too, especially not strictly following tutorials all the time. And when you do tutorials, improve something no matter how small.

If you want to get started too visit the 100days official website. You should also take advantage of the social media handles, as it is a way to meet a lot of amazing developers at every level; beginners who want to learn alongside you, intermediates who will challenge you with their progress, and experts who will give you nice nudges into the right direction.

All I am saying is that the community is amazing. I hope you tag along and join me on Twitter as I get ready to take on Round 4, and I will help you the best way I can.
Till I come your way again, cheers and happy coding.

Links to some resources for learning that has helped me, or will soon :)

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