DEV Community

Alex Reardon
Alex Reardon

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I was standing in my backyard and I could see lots that needed to be done: hedge trimming, grass mowing, dead branches to be removed, and so much more. I started on consolidating some unused flower pots into a single spot. While doing that I thought it would be a good idea to remove an overgrown fern. I pulled the fern down and then got distracted by the idea of some other task.

My Dad, who is a gardening enthusiast, arrived about an hour later to drop off some tools. He took a look around at my yard and gave me some advice. He encouraged me to finish one job completely and to tidy up any mess before moving onto the next job. Without realising I had started three or four different jobs - all currently at different levels of completion. My Dad's logic was that you might be interrupted at any point and you don't want to be in a position where you are left with large cleanup jobs, or where you have to leave the yard in a bad state with unfinished and dangerous things around.

I spent the next few hours going through each of the jobs I had started earlier and finished them one by one, cleaning up as I went. I didn't get through as much of the gardening as I would have liked that day (things had a bad habit of taking longer than I expected) but everything I started I finished. I could come back another day to do the remaining jobs. The yard was left tidy and the kids could enjoy it.

Focus on one task at a time. Get it done. Tidy up. Then move on

Top comments (3)

massiveattack89 profile image
MassiveAttack89 • Edited

Nice attention and point of view. I'm doing gardening for not that long time. Very curious and seeking experience and advices for effective harvest. I started doing this year in April after the pandemic hit strong, and people are forced to stay home, I purchased online seeds and all other stuff to begin with something. I was not that successful at the beginning. Tried to grow tomatoes and cucumbers, but they got sick fast and small at all at final result. I use for many months this where are various articles for gardening and not only. Also, there are various themes on house daily problems people encounter or advices how to make everything the best way possible.

seatech786 profile image

It’s easy to get caught up in multiple tasks when gardening, but focusing on one job at a time really does help keep things manageable and tidy. I’ve found that breaking things down into smaller tasks, like trimming the hedges before moving to the next, works best. Similarly, if you're interested in more efficient gardening, a Vertical Hydroponic Garden can offer an organized, space-saving solution. With systems that address lighting, nutrients, and pest control, it’s a great option for both home and commercial use.

malinkastrong profile image

Well, I decided to get into gardening as well, and I decided to start with something not so hard to take care of. It surprised me that cannabis plant was unpretentious, and now I just check articles like this one to figure everything out and learn what to do in order to get a good harvest and don't let the plant die.