DEV Community

Ali Raza
Ali Raza

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The Weekend Warrior Epidemic

The weekend warrior – a mythical creature feared by startups everywhere. You know them: the founders who insist on releasing software updates, shipping new features, or pushing out big announcements on a Saturday afternoon.

It may seem like a harmless habit to some, but trust me, it's a recipe for disaster. I don't think you should release it on a weekend. Here is why:

The Anatomy of a Weekend Release

So, what makes a weekend release? Is it:

  • Releasing new features or software updates?
  • Announcing big news or partnerships?
  • Shipping out a critical patch to fix a major bug?
  • Something else entirely?

Whatever it is, it's usually happening on a Saturday afternoon – when everyone's supposed to be relaxing and having fun (not you, the founder).

The Risks of Weekend Releases

  1. Founders who release on weekends are often sacrificing precious time with their loved ones for the sake of work. Burnout is real, people! Don't make your team suffer for your ambition.
  2. With reduced testing windows, bugs and issues can slip through the cracks, leaving a bad taste in customers' mouths.
  3. Who wants to test out new features on a Saturday? Nobody! Make sure your users are comfortable and supported before launching something new.
  4. Weekend releases bring increased support requests from frustrated users. You didn't think you'd be getting 200 emails at 3 a.m., did you?
  5. When the founder is always "on," it can create an unhealthy work-life balance for your team members. They'll start to feel like they're working overtime without a break.

The Consequences of Weekend Warrior Syndrome

  • Delayed releases: Don't push out if something's not ready. It's better to be late than to risk hurting your users.
  • Lost momentum: Regular weekend releases can create an expectation that you're always "on" and available. This can make it difficult to plan for future milestones or take breaks when needed.

Breaking the Weekend Warrior Cycle

So, how do you break free from this toxic cycle? Here are a few tips:

  1. Communicate with your team: Let them know what's coming up and when.
  2. Schedule release windows: Plan ahead and choose the best days for everyone (not just weekends).
  3. Test early and often: Reduce the likelihood of releasing bugs or issues by testing throughout the week.
  4. Take breaks and prioritize self-care: Remember, you're human too! Take time to relax and recharge.


While the urge to release can sometimes be overwhelming, remember that your team's well-being is as important as your company's success. Don't let the weekend warrior epidemic sabotage your startup – take control of your schedule and prioritize what matters most: your users and your team.

So, plan a Sunday Funday (minus the coding). Your company – and your sanity – will thank you.

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