DEV Community

Alfred Nutile
Alfred Nutile

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Past Year and a Half of Tech Used and Loved and Stuff Built

tldr: this is about my past year a half becoming a full time developer again and the different technologies I used and experience with them. I will share the tech I like the most still and the projects I used them on.


Was updating my resume and my list of experience and just wanted to share here. I will write more on the topic later about the "Developer to Director back to Developer" path since I think the first part of this "growth" happens often and not always for the right reasons as seen in the "Peter Principle"

The Peter Principle states that, if you perform well in your job, you will likely be promoted to the next level of your organization's hierarchy. You will continue to rise up the ladder until you reach the point where you can no longer perform well.

Anyways more on that later for now a look at my time since April 2022 and becoming a full time Developer again. And now as I look back I also want to share the tech that has resonated the most with my workflow and thinking. Btw some of that time was spent at a full time job building a product for them so I did "lose" some time to that but I did learn a ton at that one both about tech and myself.

All these stacks use Github Actions for CI/CD honestly it is just one file and done. And to deploy with "zero" downtime. And then there is providing not only the foundation but some great starter components and patterns for Vue and Intertia.

2022-2023 Tech Stack Winners for me ๐Ÿ†

2022-2023 Tech I appreciate but not using โค๏ธ

2023-2024 Tech I want to try ๐Ÿš€

  • Filament soon. I have so many Inertia Components to use at this point but this looks sooooo nice
  • Alternative to though it has been the most affordable reliable service for the past 10 years it would be nice to use the newer free options the Laravel Docs s talk about.

Built internal system using People Data Labs

System using People Data Labs to more effectively use that API to build reports as needed. (top secret stuff)
URL Is private

Livewire 2, Tailwind, Inertia, Meilisearch

Wow my first use of Livewire and Tailwind! Love Tailwind now but at first I did tooooo much adding of classes to get it "right" and not enough removing. As far as Livewire it just did not work with my brain. I like how 3 works since it has a Vue like Component feel. Later on I moved new features to Inertia and it is going well. As far as Meilisearch wow! Using Forge I set it up with one click and the 3 million row database is just sooooooo fast.

Gallery Anywhere

Personal idea to have local art in AirBnb's did not go anywhere ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Laravel, Nova, Tailwind, Inertia

Fell in love with Inertia and Vue just was more inline with what I was use to. Nova was fine, but for me it took some of the fun out of Laravel.

RecallsNow (use to be TotalRecalls)

Fun project and "scratch my own itch". Lots of background api stuff and web scraping.

Laravel, OpenAi API for Tagging, Tailwind and Inertia, OpenAi API Finetuning

Just wanted one idea of mine to go from start to end (subscriptions - just me at this point๐Ÿ™‚ )
The stack was great, still learning Tailwind as you can see in the CSS.
Some of the APIs I used lacked good tags or data so I used OpenAi Finetuning and some tags I had to train it on what a recall might be tagged if it lacked a tag.

My Blog

We all have to do this! Really wanted to "show off" my Github stats.


Like Livewire I appreciate the community and effort. As a long time Laravel dev I feel it was too different. I suck at design๐Ÿ™‚

Well Registration Site and Clean water search site (Two of them)
SECOND URL is in QA mode

Working with a partner in California to build clean water / well registration sites. The internal part of the site is actually quite complex.

Interia, Tailwind, Forge, DigitalOcean, Postgres and GIS plugin.

Found my stack and it has been working really well. This site just helped me to grow in this skill and then appreciate GIS, Postgres, and MapBox, Twilio for SMS


URL still closed other than a few standalone payment and management areas.

This client site is moving a HUGE Wordpress site to Laravel that manages Group Trips.

Interia, Tailwind, Vapor!, Integration to , Plaid (great tech stack for payments imo) and AFS for other payments.

Overall it reminded me of why I need to work with the customer and not a person between me and the customer. No matter how good we all are at our jobs and intentions communication is key and building the right thing really means the developer in constant contact (jargon) with the customer. The tech stack is good but this was my last Vapor and I would move it if I could back to Forge and DO. I like Vapor and glad I know it is there when needed.

Book Creation and Ai/LLM (this is the sister site that leads into the site I made)

Lot's of work on a sister site still in QA to help authors write books using OpenAi as an assistant. Really fun stuff.
Kind of like GitHub but for a community of writers.

Interia, Tailwind, Forge, DigitalOcean

The stack just works and delivers. I am getting to the point where I have a nice folder of components to share with all my projects. Using Echo and Pusher the user gets a very dynamic experience.

LaraChain Open Ai LLM Integration and

This an open-source project with a focus on use LLMs and "blocks" to quickly make a backend for any person or company take advantage of Vector databases and OpenAi API (or other APIs).

Interia, Tailwind, Forge, DigitalOcean, OpenAi PHP

Amazing the tech stack and libraries we have as PHP developers. I was really worried with the rise of if PHP and Laravel could keep up. After my deep dive into this it is clear we can ๐Ÿฅ‚


One other OpenAi API LLM Project that was MVP and did not make it past that stage but was a great try. I learned a lot and worked with someone who showed me a lot about building the right product, and staying focused on the MVP and just how to think about solutions.

Interia, Tailwind, Forge, DigitalOcean, OpenAi PHP

Again Horizon, Batches etc all lead us to make some amazing tools. And RapidAPI allowed me to get some data quickly.


This is my big effort to scratch my own itch of storing articles I like, helping me with my day to day work planning (Bullet Journal like) and since it knows a lot about me it can reply to Job Posts in a sensible way!

Interia, Tailwind, Forge, DigitalOcean, OpenAi PHP

The RapidApi webscrapper is solid I tried PHPRoach but ended up with this and was done in under and hour. Otherwise it is a Forum like system (eg me and the LLM) to go back and forth about a topic like a reply to a job posting, or an article I want to tag. You can see more about that here

Colosseum Crew Gaming Tournament site

This is one of my favorites. It was me trying to be a VC type partner but putting up my dev time for later payment. ๐Ÿคž

Nova (but moved away from this), Tailwind, Inertia, API integration to and Spark at first but moved away from this as well to Paypal

Nova was a good start but the data is quite complex so I moved away from it and just built a ui.
Spark too just was not flexible enough so I moved to Paypal (which fit some of their needs better)
Very very hard site for me, the domain was all new and the data structure was harder than I imagined with matches, teams, players, stats etc. Really a good bunch of people to work with too looking forward to it being used an being an enjoyable system for the users to use.

SimpleRecipes (personal project)

With the LLM Craze I had to try some ideas.

Interia, Tailwind, Forge, DigitalOcean, OpenAi PHP, Nova

Nova worked here cause I stayed within the lines of what it can do. And did not push it to a place where I had to learn a ton with Nova. The art is all Dalle-2 with a prompt that focuses on food in watercolor style. Still never certain what you will get! Fun project.

There are others items, like one customer used Larachain as a backend and we are still integrating some chat and doc search into their frontend etc. But this is the list of tech used, stuff built and the happy path back to a developer.

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