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Abstract Operations—the key to understand Coercion in JavaScript

Amandeep Singh on August 27, 2019

I was intrigued by one the question asked on my So you think you know JavaScript article. {} + []; // returns 0 ?? 🤔 Enter fullscreen mo...
mujaddadi profile image
Taha Hassan Mujaddadi • Edited

I felt like I was reading Kyle Simpson's article :D.

pencillr profile image
Richard Lenkovits

Extremely thorough article on JavaScript types. Great job!

aman_singh profile image
Amandeep Singh

Glad to read that Richard. Thank you.

gaurav_mishra_e87a87794a8 profile image
Gaurav Mishra

one issue i believe in the post is the toPrimitive algo for the hint 'Number', in that case no toString will be called only the valueOf will be called.

example : [] + 2;
this will return 2 as [] is directly converted to valueOf not via toString.
one more example in the screenshot.

Image description

bhatnagardivyanshu profile image
Divyanshu Bhatnagar

Why does {name: 'Aman'} + 0 returns 0?

ankit9761 profile image
Ankit Kanyal

Extremely helpful saved my day.

aman_singh profile image
Amandeep Singh

Glad to read that. 🙂

alfredosalzillo profile image
Alfredo Salzillo

Now javascript has also the "bigint" primitive type.

cdaracena profile image
Christian Aracena

Clear and concise, learned something new today, thanks man! Keep it up

aman_singh profile image
Amandeep Singh

Thank you, Christian, for your kind words. I am glad that you learned something out of it. 😀

agentmilindu profile image
Milindu Sanoj Kumarage

Great article! Learned a lot.

BTW, {1} + [] results in an 0. How is this possible?

aman_singh profile image
Amandeep Singh

Hi Milindu,

The {} is a code block with a value of 1 inside. It has nothing to do with Addition operator outside of it. When parser reads this line it will evaluate 1 and move to another expression, which is + 0, and will output 0.

 // this is a block
let a = 10; 

console.log(a) // prints 10 
let b = 30; 

// This is outside of the block
let a = 20; 
console.log(a); // prints 20
console.log(b); // throws a ReferenceError
offirmo profile image

Summary: use TypeScript and explicitly coerce!

urielsouza29 profile image
Uriel dos Santos Souza

TypeScritp = Make Java.
Stay in Java rsrsrsrsrsrsr

shameekagarwal profile image
shameekagarwal • Edited

why does [].toString() result in an empty string?
great article btw

ravinaparab1 profile image

For {} + [], {} is not an empty object but just an empty block; for [] + {}, {} is an object.

How did we reach these conclusions?

aman_singh profile image
Amandeep Singh

Hi Ravina,

This behavior is how JavaScript engine (e.g V8) starts out by parsing the source code into an Abstract Syntax Tree(AST). For {}, JavaScript parser considers it as an empty block because this is the first thing in the statement. But in the case of [] + {}, the first thing is an array followed by Addition operator.

Here's a nice AST explorer to check out. Paste both the statement to verify yourself. 🙂

moaazbhnas profile image
Moaaz Bhnas

Thank you!

enkienki77 profile image
Austin Layman

This was great.