Kotlin's scope functions(.let
, .also
, .apply
, etc) are super useful.
- let - Kotlin Programming Language
- also - Kotlin Programming Language
- apply - Kotlin Programming Language
I want to these methods in C#.
So I just define it!
static class ObjectExtensions
// Kotlin: fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R
public static R Let<T, R>(this T self, Func<T, R> block)
return block(self);
// Kotlin: fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T
public static T Also<T>(this T self, Action<T> block)
return self;
var text = resultCode.Let(x => {
switch (x) {
case 0:
return "success";
return $"error({x})";
var model = new MyModel().Also(m => {
I hope .NET Framework provide these methods.
Top comments (4)
Please, didn't you by chance ask Microsoft team when scope functions will be in C#?
C# really need this.
I have hard times to come back from Kotlin to C#. Kotlin is just so much more effective language.
I also miss keyword "val". It's just so elegant. And I would discard keyword "new".
And after your suggestions are accepted and implemented the language will be called k# (keesharp, kosharp).
Why not suggesting here: github.com/dotnet/csharplang
I want multiple inheritance and templates like in C++ with specializations.
Those need to be fixed for folks trying to use them in Unity. It doesn't work well with Unity Objects, as generics erase their overridden equality check.
?. operator doesn't care about overridden equals
Working ones:
Now it is possible to safely call gameObject?.Run(...) without MissingReferenceException
Nice. Thanks