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Advanced Error Handling in Node.js

Error handling is an important aspect of software development that ensures your application behaves predictably and provides meaningful feedback when something goes wrong. In Node.js, effective error handling can be particularly challenging due to its asynchronous nature. This article delves into advanced techniques and best practices for managing errors in Node.js applications.

Understanding Error Types

Before diving into error handling strategies, it’s important to understand the types of errors you might encounter:

  1. Synchronous Errors:
    The errors that occur during the execution of synchronous code, can be caught using try-catch blocks.

  2. Asynchronous Errors:
    The errors occur during the execution of asynchronous code, such as callbacks, promises, and async/await functions.

  3. Operational Errors:
    Errors that represent runtime problems that the program is expected to handle (e.g., failing to connect to a database).

  4. Programmer Errors:
    Bugs in the program (e.g., type errors, assertion failures). These should generally not be caught and handled in the same way as operational errors.

Synchronous Error Handling

For synchronous code, error handling is using try-catch blocks:

try {
  // Synchronous code that might throw an error
  let result = dafaultFunction();
} catch (error) {
  console.error('An error occurred:', error.message);
  // Handle the error appropriately
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Asynchronous Error Handling

  • Callbacks

In callback-based asynchronous code, errors are usually the first argument in the callback function:

const fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('/path/to/file', (err, data) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('An error occurred:', err.message);
    // Handle the error
  // Process the data
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  • Promises

Promises offer a cleaner way to handle asynchronous errors using .catch():

const fs = require('fs').promises;
  .then(data => {
    // Process the data
  .catch(err => {
    console.error('An error occurred:', err.message);
    // Handle the error
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  • Async/Await

Async/await syntax allows for a more synchronous style of error handling in asynchronous code:

const fs = require('fs').promises;
async function readFile() {
  try {
    const data = await fs.readFile('/path/to/file');
    // Process the data
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('An error occurred:', err.message);
    // Handle the error
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Centralized Error Handling

For larger applications, centralized error handling can help manage errors more effectively. This often involves middleware in Express.js applications.

  • Express.js Middleware

Express.js provides a mechanism for handling errors via middleware. This middleware should be the last in the stack:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

// Define routes and other middleware
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  throw new Error('Something went wrong!');

// Error-handling middleware
app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
  res.status(500).json({ message: 'Internal Server Error' });

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Server is running on port 3000');
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Advanced Techniques

  • Custom Error Classes

Creating custom error classes can help distinguish between different types of errors and make error handling more granular:

class AppError extends Error {
  constructor(message, statusCode) {
    this.statusCode = statusCode;
    Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);

// Usage
try {
  throw new AppError('Custom error message', 400);
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof AppError) {
    console.error(`AppError: ${error.message} (status: ${error.statusCode})`);
  } else {
    console.error('An unexpected error occurred:', error);
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  • Error Logging

Implement robust error logging to monitor and diagnose issues. Tools like Winston or Bunyan can help with logging:

const winston = require('winston');
const logger = winston.createLogger({
  level: 'error',
  format: winston.format.json(),
  transports: [
    new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'error.log' })

// Usage
try {
  // Code that might throw an error
  throw new Error('Something went wrong');
} catch (error) {
  logger.error(error.message, { stack: error.stack });
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  • Global Error Handling

Handling uncaught exceptions and unhandled promise rejections ensures that no errors slip through unnoticed:

process.on('uncaughtException', (error) => {
  console.error('Uncaught Exception:', error);
  // Perform cleanup and exit process if necessary
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) => {
  console.error('Unhandled Rejection at:', promise, 'reason:', reason);
  // Perform cleanup and exit process if necessary
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Best Practices

  • Fail Fast: Detect and handle errors as early as possible.

  • Graceful Shutdown: Ensure your application can shut down gracefully in the event of a critical error.

  • Meaningful Error Messages: Provide clear and actionable error messages.

  • Avoid Silent Failures: Always log or handle errors to avoid silent failures.

  • Test Error Scenarios: Write tests to cover potential error scenarios and ensure your error handling works as expected.


To effectively handle errors in Node.js, you need to use a combination of synchronous and asynchronous techniques, centralized management, and advanced strategies such as custom error classes and robust logging. By incorporating these best practices and advanced techniques, you can create robust Node.js applications that gracefully handle errors and offer an improved experience for your users.

Top comments (20)

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Really good article! We have created this open-source project, where you can track anything in your web-app or website. You can customize your events too, and can be used even in production with 'Error Events' so you can always check where the exception are even in production!

The project is open-source on Github.

Antonio, CEO & Founder at

rkristelijn profile image
Remi Kristelijn

Great article! I want to point out that extensive logging, especially when explicitly writing to a file can result a performance issue. Therefore you could just log to the console and let e.g. kubernetes handle the logging. Also central logging is important, e.g. use of open search and e.g.

learn_with_santosh profile image
Santosh Shelar

Great advice! These best practices ensure your applications can gracefully handle errors and provide a better user experience.

devpaul3000 profile image
Dev Paul

Great article. Creating custom error classes is a really powerful approach that make error handling a easy and sometimes fun

the_riz profile image
Rich Winter • Edited

Good stuff.
Don't forget that Promises both resolve and reject

amritak27 profile image

You're right, Promises can resolve and reject, and it's important to handle both cases

syedmuhammadaliraza profile image
Syed Muhammad Ali Raza


mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan

Good read

mrrishimeena profile image
Rishi Kumar

Check out opensource library GitHub errsole.js , Its the first in world opensource 'logging library' which has built-in dashboard. Its much better than winston, pino and even paid cloudwatch.

mrrishimeena profile image
Rishi Kumar

True, Error handling is the first part towards debugging the issues in Node.js . Its the first step towards knowing the root cause of the error. There are many more steps afterwards to find and verify the fix of the issues. But its takes hours. Thats why we build the errsole which can helps the developers to fix the errors in minutes.

jackson_brown_c38e04bcf2a profile image
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Jackson Brown

I've been in the real estate business for over 20 years and I was always on the lookout for new lucrative investments. Bitcoin caught my eye early on, and I decided to invest $10,000 in purchasing Bitcoin. Over time, my investment shot to $600,000. This significant profit margin allowed me to expand my real estate business and purchase additional properties. However, my joy turned to panic when I received an email that seemed to be from my trading platform. It asked me to verify my account details. Without hesitation, I provided the information. Soon after, I discovered that my Bitcoin wallet had been drained. Devastated, I sought help and found a recommendation for Dumbledore web expert Recovery on a real estate forum. I contacted them immediately, hoping they could assist me. Their team was highly professional and quick in their response. They meticulously traced the fraudulent activity and managed to recover most of my funds. Dumbledore web expert also educated me on crucial security measures. They emphasized the importance of using two-factor authentication, creating strong, unique passwords, and recognizing phishing attempts. This experience was a tough lesson, but their guidance helped me secure my Bitcoin more effectively for the future. I will advise everyone to contact Dumbledore web expert if your bitcoin was stolen or you being scammed through their contact info below :

Email: dumbledorewebexpert(@)
WhatsApp: +1-(231)-425-0878

jackson_brown_c38e04bcf2a profile image
Jackson Brown

I've been in the real estate business for over 20 years and I was always on the lookout for new lucrative investments. Bitcoin caught my eye early on, and I decided to invest $10,000 in purchasing Bitcoin. Over time, my investment shot to $600,000. This significant profit margin allowed me to expand my real estate business and purchase additional properties. However, my joy turned to panic when I received an email that seemed to be from my trading platform. It asked me to verify my account details. Without hesitation, I provided the information. Soon after, I discovered that my Bitcoin wallet had been drained. Devastated, I sought help and found a recommendation for Dumbledore web expert Recovery on a real estate forum. I contacted them immediately, hoping they could assist me. Their team was highly professional and quick in their response. They meticulously traced the fraudulent activity and managed to recover most of my funds. Dumbledore web expert also educated me on crucial security measures. They emphasized the importance of using two-factor authentication, creating strong, unique passwords, and recognizing phishing attempts. This experience was a tough lesson, but their guidance helped me secure my Bitcoin more effectively for the future. I will advise everyone to contact Dumbledore web expert if your bitcoin was stolen or you being scammed through their contact info below :

Email: dumbledorewebexpert(@)
WhatsApp: +1-(231)-425-0878

malik_gordons_5f1fa9782c3 profile image
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Malik Gordons

This is my life story about a recent encounter with VIRTUALHACKNET RECOVERY FIRM. After being scammed by a group of individuals on the Telegram app, I sought help from the best recovery hacking agency out there. The scam company I was involved with made me believe that my funds were invested in stocks like AMAZON and APPLE. They had me download the MetaTrader app and Trust Wallet, which I used to fund the other trading app. After making several wire transfers amounting to over $140,000, I realized I was involved in a scam investment chain.
After this revelation, I reported the case to the NYPD with proof of transfers made to the company. However, after a month of investigation, the only response I received was that crypto assets could not be traced, and they were sorry to inform me of this. I was incredibly disappointed that the authorities couldn’t handle such a crime. I almost gave up, but my instincts told me there must be a way to recover the funds, and I just needed to research properly.
I went online searching for a reputable organization to help recover my loss, and I stumbled upon VIRTUALHACKNET RECOVERY FIRM’s email contact: VIRTUALHACKNET @ G MAIL . COM. I quickly sent them all the details about the failed investment, and they immediately started tracking my funds. The entire process took just about 72 hours, and my funds were recovered back to my bank account without any stress. This surprised me because the NYPD cyber department had declared that the funds could no longer be recovered. I’m grateful I didn’t give up, even after receiving the news from them.To all the victims out there who believe that crypto assets cannot be recovered, you’re wrong. I’m a witness to VIRTUALHACKNET RECOVERY FIRM’s capability to handle investment cases and ensure you get back what you’ve lost in full. You can also reach them for their services on Telegram at VIRTUALHACKNET.

darwin_calgary_58fc49df82 profile image
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Darwin Calgary

My goal was always to provide the best for myself and my family. With this in mind, I decided to invest a significant amount of money in cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, this decision nearly led to financial ruin when I was scammed by the company I invested with. However, my situation turned around with the assistance of K N I G H T H O O D B O T H A C K C O R P. This well-known recovery company specialises in handling cyber fraud cases like mine, offering their services without unnecessary stress.When I reached out to K NI G H T H O O D B O T H A C K C O R P, I was eager to work closely with them to recover the funds I had lost. To my relief, the results exceeded my expectations. The professionals at K N I G H T H O O D B O T H A C K C O R P guided me through every step of the recovery process until we achieved a successful outcome. Initially, I believed my funds were lost forever, especially with the warning messages I received during crypto transactions stating, "Check wallet address again before sending, once assets are sent out they cannot be traced or recovered." It turns out, this was a result of my lack of information and not having the right contacts to handle such cases. K N I G H T H O O D B O T H A C K C O R P provided the security and protection I needed against the scammers.
At first, I was skeptical about working with K N I G H T H O O D B O T H A C K C O R P, mainly due to my previous negative experience with the investment company I found online. However, after a detailed explanation from the team during a phone call, my doubts were put to rest. KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP has repeatedly proven themselves as the solution to scam-related cases.
If you ever find yourself entangled in an online scam, I strongly recommend reaching out to K N I G H T H O O D B O T H A C K C O R P. You can contact them via email at KNIG HTHOODBOT AT Gmail dot COM or through Telegram at KNIGHTHOODBOT9. They can efficiently trace and recover your lost funds, just as they did for me.

jean_douglas_10fd61be4947 profile image
Jean Douglas

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michael_marie_4d05a1b8e6b profile image
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Michael Marie

Cyberspace Hack Pro came to my rescue when I was at my lowest, having fallen victim to a deceitful Forex Investment Company. The loss of my hard-earned funds left me feeling defeated and unsure of where to turn. However, upon discovering Cyberspace Hack Pro, I found renewed hope and determination.They immediately apparent. Their team of experts and hackers demonstrated unparalleled skill and dedication in their mission to help me. They left no stone unturned, tirelessly pursuing justice on my behalf. Their commitment to aiding individuals like myself in navigating the treacherous world of online fraud was truly commendable.But what truly sets Cyberspace Hack Pro apart is their unwavering determination to deliver results. Through their relentless efforts, they managed to track and recover the entirety of my lost funds, totaling an impressive 4.26476 BTC. This achievement not only lifted a huge weight off my shoulders but also restored my faith in the possibility of justice prevailing, even in the digital realm.the recovery process, Cyberspace Hack Pro provided unwavering support and guidance. They kept me informed every step of the way, offering reassurance and direction during what was undoubtedly a challenging time. Their professionalism and empathy served as a beacon of hope, reminding me that I was not alone in my quest for restitution.Looking back on my experience, I am filled with gratitude for having found Cyberspace Hack Pro. Their expertise and dedication turned what initially seemed like an insurmountable obstacle into a triumph of justice. Recovering my lost funds through their assistance stands as one of the best decisions I made this year, a testament to their efficacy and reliability.For anyone facing a similar situation, I wholeheartedly recommend reaching out to Cyberspace Hack Pro. Their proven track record and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction make them the go-to choice for recovering lost funds from online scams. With Cyberspace Hack Pro by your side, you can rest assured that you are in capable hands, guided by professionals who prioritize your interests above all else. Cyberspace Hack Pro exceeded all my expectations, delivering results that surpassed my wildest dreams. Their professionalism, expertise, and unwavering dedication to client satisfaction set them apart as industry leaders in the realm of fund recovery. Trusting Cyberspace Hack Pro was undoubtedly one of the best decisions I made this year, and I am forever grateful for their assistance in reclaiming my digital assets into my account.

WhatsApp:  +1 (440) 7423096

E-MAIL; Cyberspacehackpro(@)rescueteam. com

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graham_smith_8a090f5b5336 profile image
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Graham Smith


I am thrilled to share my experience with Grayhathacks Contractor, as I never thought I would be one of those people writing a positive review for an online service. I was fully prepared to rant about being scammed further, but luckily I stumbled upon an honest team of hackers who are out to help.

After falling victim to a well-executed investment scam that cost me nearly a quarter of a million dollars, I decided to take a chance on Grayhathacks Contractor. And boy, did they deliver!

Specializing in crypto recovery, Grayhathacks Contractor is a team of expert professionals dedicated to helping individuals and businesses reclaim their lost funds from investment scams. With their impressive track record and top-notch customer service, I was hopeful that I was in good hands.

I was not disappointed. Thanks to their efforts, we were able to track down the scammers and recover the full amount I had lost and all within a short period of a week. I couldn't believe it either once I saw the funds back in my wallet, I thought it was a trick. Imagine how happy I felt after I verified that indeed I got my funds back.

I cannot thank Grayhathacks enough for their exceptional service. They truly are the best in the business when it comes to crypto tracking and recovery. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, do not hesitate to reach out to them using the contact information provided below.

WhatsApp: +1 (843) 368-3015
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