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How To: Brand Yourself As A Developer

Amy Oulton on December 15, 2021

This post was originally published for Codecast. Branding yourself online has become increasingly important as landing a role in the tech indust...
richardkentng profile image

Thanks! Things gives me confidence to post things as a non-expert. Codecast and Hashnode are two that I have not heard of before. I have a question..why would I use Codecast when I could just post on Youtube?

amyoulton profile image
Amy Oulton • Edited

Great question!

CodeCast is both media AND live-code. So while you record yourself teaching, any live updates you are making to the codebase you include in your Cast are shared alongside the video in a single platform. You just share the codebase in the Studio and edit it on your local machine like normal, and it updates in the Cast each time you save!

This allows for people to see your code simultaneously to learn better, follow along with what you’re doing etc, as opposed to just providing something like a GitHub repo!

PS. They also have a download feature coming out that will allow you to republish the media portion of your Cast on YouTube! That falls right into my “be everywhere” tip!

richardkentng profile image

Interesting! I enjoy watching youtube videos as part of my learning process. But I'm unable to copy and paste code from youtube videos (because I want to double check if I typed things correctly). Will using codecast allow me to do that? Thanks!

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amyoulton profile image
Amy Oulton

Yes! That was one of the biggest motivations behind creating our software.

You're able to copy entire files with a single click, or highlight any portion of the code from any file shared with you and copy it!

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richardkentng profile image

That is extremely cool!

amyoulton profile image
Amy Oulton

I made this video about CodeCast in general if you feel like checking it out! I’m one of the devs there so I am happy to answer any questions!

mujahidi profile image

Thank you for this post. I have been thinking of doing the same but unfortunately, have been also delaying it for no particular reason (read procrastination). I guess its time to finally put in the first gear and gradually pick up acceleration.

amyoulton profile image
Amy Oulton

We’re our own worst enemies! We always say “maybe tomorrow” or “when I know a little more” but truthfully, we will always feel that way. We just kinda have to decide to try and see what happens!

alexeagleson profile image
Alex Eagleson

This is great stuff, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I feel like I am learning most of these lessons gradually through trial and error, and it's nice to see things summarized in a way that makes them feel less daunting.

amyoulton profile image
Amy Oulton

So glad this could help!

There is this false narrative that some people have "figured it all out" but the truth is that most "successful" people are just trying things and re-directing themselves when needed.

alexeagleson profile image
Alex Eagleson • Edited

I'm throwing spaghetti at the wall every day, and very fortunate that it seems to always turn out okay :)

jubarcelos profile image
Julia Barcelos

I've been write something very close of this article. And you write very well about this. Congrats! I probably will use parts of your article.

I started this blog recentily because that, you know, I've been part of everything.

ikurosaki profile image

Buen artículo Amy💪😃

amyoulton profile image
Amy Oulton

Thank you so much!

abdrzqsalihu profile image
Abdulrazaq Salihu

Thanks! this is Inspiring

waynium profile image

This is so good, I'm still a varsity student trying to immerse myself into the industry. Thanks 👍

rolandixor profile image
Roland Taylor

Great post!

amyoulton profile image
Amy Oulton

Thanks so much!

mahdouglass profile image
Marissa Douglass

Thanks for the post and advice! I hadn't heard of CodeCast or Later. Definitely adding them to the list.

jyotirmoydotdev profile image
Jyotirmoy Barman

Brilliant post 🌝.
It will help me in a long run ❗❕

amyoulton profile image
Amy Oulton

Happy to hear!