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Ande Caleb
Ande Caleb

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Word to Array

a simple way to convert a String to an Array is by Spreading it... within the array brackets [ ... ] symbols, which is easier than using the String.prototype.split()

let str = 'Aminu Kano';

array = [ ...str ]; //break the array into letters. 

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This outputs an array of 10 elements. which becomes

[ "A", "m", "i", "n", "u", " ", "K", "a", "n", "o" ];

//same result can be achieved using the code below. 


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but the latter seems much easier and cleaner

hope this helps..

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Andrew Bone


If you'd like, you can add syntax highlighting (colors that make code easier to read) to your code block like the following example.

console.log('Hello world!');
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This should make it a bit easier to understand your code. 😎

In order to use this in your code blocks, you must designate the coding language you are using directly after the first three back-ticks. So in the example above, you'd write three back-ticks js (no space between the two), put the code beneath (e.g. console.log('Hello world!');), then three back-ticks beneath that to close the code.

Here's an image that shows how it's written!

Example of how to add syntax highlighting in code blocks

andaeiii profile image
Ande Caleb • Edited

Thanks, really appreciate

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