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Ítalo Sousa
Ítalo Sousa

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Super easy Discord notification job for Gitlab CI

Gitlab CI is an amazing free alternative to run your pipelines without tears. It runs in a docker container, which comes in handy and also gives us superpowers.

Once you create a pipeline you wish that everything run automatically and just be notified when it finishes successfully or not.

To make a long story short, let's get our hands dirty.

First of all, we need a pipeline to work on. Here is one super simple job that runs over the lightweight Alpine docker image.

# .gitlab-ci.yml 

  - test
  - notification

  image: alpine:latest
  stage: test
    - echo 🕵🏻 Checking...
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The next step is to configure our Discord channel that will show our notifications. Do the following path Your channel > Edit Channel > Integrations > Create Webhook then name your bot and click Copy Webhook URL. (Discord Webhook Guide)

Go to Gitlab CI configuration at your project settings and add a new variable: settings > CI / CD > Variables then create a new variable called WEBHOOK_URL and paste the copied URL from Discord as the value.

Now we gonna use the script created by DiscordHooks guys.

Then our pipeline will be as the following:

# .gitlab-ci.yml 

  - test
  - notification

  image: alpine:latest
  stage: test
    - echo 🕵🏻 Checking...

  image: alpine:latest
  stage: notification
    - apk add --update git curl
    - wget
    - chmod +x
    - /bin/ash ./ success $WEBHOOK_URL
  when: on_success

  image: alpine:latest
  stage: notification
    - apk add --update git curl
    - wget
    - chmod +x
    - /bin/ash ./ failure $WEBHOOK_URL
  when: on_failure
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Now just chill and enjoy! Check the full code here.

Note: Do not cache those notifications jobs.

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