Unfortunately Vuetify.js still doesn’t use css grid, and from what I’ve found online on the topic, there’s only this issue, which was closed for inactivity.
I want to offer this styles to anyone who wants to work with vuetify.js and grid CSS together. It may seem complicated and confusing, but if you follow the instructions, you will succeed.
Step 1: Add CSS Grid classes
You can add the styles file to the folder from which they will be used. I am using nuxt so my file location is ~/assets/sass/extends/css-grid.sass.
* Display Grid
display: grid
display: inline-grid
* Grid Template Columns
grid-template-columns: none
@for $gtc from 1 through 12
grid-template-columns: repeat(#{$gtc}, minmax(0, 1fr))
* Grid Column
grid-column: auto
@for $gc from 1 through 12
grid-column: span #{$gc} / span #{$gc}
* Grid Column Start
grid-column-start: auto
@for $gcs from 1 through 13
grid-column-start: #{$gcs}
* Grid Column End
grid-column-end: auto
@for $gce from 1 through 13
grid-column-end: #{$gce}
* Grid Template Rows
grid-template-rows: none
@for $gtr from 1 through 6
grid-template-rows: repeat(#{$gtr}, minmax(0, 1fr))
* Grid Row Span
grid-row: auto
@for $gr from 1 through 6
grid-row: span #{$gr} / span #{$gr}
* Grid Row Start
grid-row-start: auto
@for $grs from 1 through 7
grid-row-start: #{$grs}
* Grid Row End
grid-row-end: auto
@for $gre from 1 through 7
grid-row-end: #{$gre}
* Grid Auto Columns
grid-auto-columns: auto
grid-auto-columns: min-content
grid-auto-columns: max-content
grid-auto-columns: minmax(0, 1fr)
* Grid Auto Rows
grid-auto-rows: auto
grid-auto-rows: min-content
grid-auto-rows: max-content
grid-auto-rows: minmax(0, 1fr)
* Grid Auto Flow
grid-auto-flow: column
grid-auto-flow: column dense
grid-auto-flow: row
grid-auto-flow: row dense
* Grid Gap
gap: 0px
column-gap: 0px
row-gap: 0px
$gap: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 72, 80, 96
@each $g in $gap
gap: calc(#{$g} * 0.25rem)
@each $cg in $gap
column-gap: calc(#{$cg} * 0.25rem)
@each $rg in $gap
row-gap: calc(#{$rg} * 0.25rem)
Step 2: Variables
If you want media queries to work for you the same way they do for other classes like -md- or -lg-
, then the first thing you need to do is defined breakpoints in your variables file. For Vue CLI this ~/sass/variables.scss.
// details https://vuetifyjs.com/en/features/breakpoints/#thresholds
$grid-breakpoints: (
'xs': 0,
'sm': 600px,
'md': 960px,
'lg': 1264px,
'xl': 1904px,
Step 3: Media queries
Next, you need to add the mixin to the very top of the vuetify-css-grid.sass file you’ve already created.
/*===== Start of Grid CSS ======*/
@mixin mq($breakpoint)
@if map-has-key($grid-breakpoints, $breakpoint)
@media (min-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, $breakpoint)})
@if $breakpoint != xs
display: grid !important
display: inline-grid !important
@for $gtc from 1 through 12
grid-template-columns: repeat(#{$gtc}, minmax(0, 1fr))
@for $gc from 1 through 12
grid-column: span #{$gc} / span #{$gc}
@for $gcs from 1 through 13
grid-column-start: #{$gcs}
@for $gce from 1 through 13
grid-column-end: #{$gce}
@for $gtr from 1 through 6
grid-template-rows: repeat(#{$gtr}, minmax(0, 1fr))
@for $gr from 1 through 6
grid-row: span #{$gr} / span #{$gr}
@for $grs from 1 through 7
grid-row-start: #{$grs}
@for $gre from 1 through 7
grid-row-end: #{$gre}
@each $g in $gap
gap: calc(#{$g} * 0.25rem)
@each $cg in $gap
column-gap: calc(#{$cg} * 0.25rem)
@each $rg in $gap
row-gap: calc(#{$rg} * 0.25rem)
To make sure queries work as expected, try adding this mixin to your application’s main class. Since I’m using nuxt, I’ve added requests to the v-main
of my app.
@mixin bg($breakpoint)
@if map-has-key($grid-breakpoints, $breakpoint)
@media (min-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, $breakpoint)})
@include bg(xs)
background: #fc5f5f !important
@include bg(sm)
background: #fcf05f !important
@include bg(md)
background: #90e89f !important
@include bg(lg)
background: #909be8 !important
@include bg(xl)
background: #ce90e8 !important
Step 4: What to use
Then, at the very bottom, add the breakpoints you will use.
@include mq(sm)
@include mq(md)
@include mq(lg)
// @include mq(xl)
/*===== End of Grid CSS ======*/
To disable unnecessary queries, comment out excess lines.
If you’re using nuxt like I am, you can add styles to the nuxt.config file.
export default {
css: [
{ src: '~/assets/sass/extends/vuetify-css-grid', lang: 'sass' },
It really works. To verify this, you can look at the code on github or look across the console on the site (index page, screen #1).
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