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Cover image for Tip Land the SaaS platform for the tip of the day
Andres Lopez
Andres Lopez

Posted on

Tip Land the SaaS platform for the tip of the day

Overview of My Submission

Tip Land is a platform as a service for product creators and that can easily integrate the functionality of the tip of the day.

Many products today include daily tips for their best use in their interface, such as code editors, management systems among many others, Tip Land provides you with a platform with which you can create those tips for your products, through a API Key assigned to your account you can access the endpoint.

Made with Re2 Stack 📀 🟥 (Remix + Redis = Re2 Stack)

When two blazing-fast technologies come together to bring out the best of each other, something amazing happens:

In Remix the global state is the database and the database is the cache in Redis Stack.

Submission Category:

Wacky Wildcards

Video Explainer of My Project

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Link to Code

GitHub logo andreslopezrm / tip-land

Tip of the day as a service

Tip Land the SaaS platform for the tip of the day

Tip Land is a platform as a service for product creators and that can easily integrate the functionality of the tip of the day.

Many products today include daily tips for their best use in their interface, such as code editors, management systems among many others, Tip Land provides you with a platform with which you can create those tips for your products, through a API Key assigned to your account you can access the endpoint.

Made with Re2 Stack (Remix + Redis = Re2 Stack)

When two blazing-fast technologies come together to bring out the best of each other, something amazing happens:

In Remix the global state is the database and the database is the cache in Redis Stack.

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Tips Tips

API Key Api Key

Stats Stats

Overview video

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How it works

Stack Stack

How the data is


Additional Resources / Info

Links to open source projects that are using in the workflow

Live Deploy




Social Login
Social Login



Api Key


Top comments (2)

vidova profile image

Looking great! 🔥

andreslopezrm profile image
Andres Lopez

Thanks 😃 !!!