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Cover image for Movie Finder
Andrea Tosetto
Andrea Tosetto

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Movie Finder

This is a program that I made as a portfolio project during my studies on computer science at Codecademy.
It is a recommendation software that help the user to find movies based on the related category.
I've chosen Nodes and Linked List as the main data structure where the Movie class act as a common Node class and the Linked Lists will hold all the Movie classes related by their respective category.
I've chosen the binary search algorithm even though a common linear search would have been enough for this short category list...I just did it to make things more challenging.
All the results are sorted by title using a quicksort algorithm wich sorts all the results in place avoiding the need for additional memory usage.
If you have any questions or advice please ask!
Enjoy the project!

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This is the link to all the source code

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