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Angela Swift
Angela Swift

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Qualities of a Senior PHP Engineer

As a PHP developer, the title “Senior PHP Engineer” can be quite appealing. If you genuinely enjoy PHP and are just starting out, I’d like to outline some qualities that a Senior PHP Engineer should possess, hoping to assist junior or mid-level PHP engineers.

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Calm Mindset

Like all programmers, writing good code requires a solid mindset.

Stay patient and avoid giving up easily.

During the development process, especially for junior and mid-level developers, you will encounter various issues with your code or architecture. Some problems may seem trivial, while others may be entirely new to you. It’s essential to calmly troubleshoot the root causes one by one rather than rushing through. A hasty approach to system development is irresponsible to the project. Impatience can lead to compromises and avoidance of challenges. Personally, my two years of simple living in Beijing taught me to maintain a calm mindset.

This mindset will also enhance your ability to handle other situations.

I emphasize this mindset because it differs from sales roles that require a lot of passion; instead, it requires quiet reflection.

Solid Problem-Solving Skills

A former colleague once wrote in their QQ signature: “Every time I solve a bug, I give myself a boost.” Indeed, a programmer who hasn’t truly resolved countless bugs or issues cannot be considered an expert or a senior engineer. A senior engineer continuously hones their skills through problem-solving, developing a well-practiced approach to tackling issues.

Here are some common challenges PHP developers encounter during their growth. If you haven’t faced any of these, you might be at either extreme: either a complete beginner or already advanced.

  1. Encoding issues
  2. PHP and SQL database performance issues
  3. Session and Cookie domain and encryption parsing issues
  4. Program execution order issues
  5. Cross-environment compatibility issues
  6. Classification construction and structural design issues
  7. String handling issues: Regular expressions or simple PHP string functions
  8. Limitations of various template engines
  9. PHP and web data interaction issues (like AJAX, API calls, etc.)

Strong PHP Fundamentals

Without a solid foundation in PHP, no matter how good your mindset or problem-solving skills are, it will only be theoretical.

A strong foundation allows you to navigate project development with ease. Here are some fundamental knowledge areas that PHP engineers should be familiar with (these are often seen in job requirements):

  1. Syntax rules — if you don’t know this, you haven’t even started. Get a book or find a website to catch up.
  2. Proficient in various SQL statements for MySQL, including basic CRUD operations, as well as IN(), UNION, LEFT JOIN, AS, REPLACE, ALTER TABLE, ORDER BY, and indexing methods.
  3. Ability to use tool to boost your productivity. Like Laravel, PHPStorm, ServBay and more.
  4. Familiarity with other web technologies since PHP is not entirely standalone; it works in conjunction with other languages and elements to complete projects. If you aren’t familiar with these, collaborating in a team can be challenging. These elements include HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, HTTP protocols, and regular expressions.

Comprehensive Internet Application and Project Management Knowledge

1. Broad Knowledge and Willingness to Learn

Focusing solely on your own studies without exploring others’ methodologies can make you like a frog in a well, unable to see the vast sky. Don’t just code every day; take time to study the architecture of large open-source systems and the construction methods of major commercial websites. Learn from them to fill your gaps.

For instance, you should at least know about different types of open-source systems like Uchome, Dede, PHPCMS, WordPress, Discuz, and Empire.

By observing various systems, you might summarize common approaches, such as caching mechanisms, template systems, and static page generation.

2. Project Solution Selection

Different requirements necessitate different structures and selections. This is the essence of “adapt to circumstances.” Some powerful architectures may be cumbersome for small projects — using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Selecting the right approach based on the requirements is crucial.

Selection isn’t something you can decide on a whim; it requires a PHP engineer to have a solid foundation. I believe you should have at least the following to be capable of making selections:

Proficient in at least one PHP framework and two to three PHP open-source systems; have your own application system.

3. Good Project Management Skills

Projects don’t just involve development; they also enter operational and maintenance phases. Possessing good project management skills ensures stability and control.

Good project management skills include:

  • Strong habits in project development and maintenance — remember: don’t sacrifice future efficiency for immediate convenience, which leads to repetitive work. Always remind yourself to streamline workflows and simplify processes.
  • A collaborative mindset: projects are not solo efforts; they are collaborative products serving the public. Enhance your awareness of collaboration and involve relevant personnel in improving the project.

4. Rich Project Development Experience

Learning theory and taking exams are school matters. Without project experience, it’s like having a wealth of knowledge but being unable to apply it.

This requires real projects to transform your knowledge into practical solutions.

5. Good Development Standards

Code Readability: Comments for objects, methods, and functions; a mature naming convention.

Low Code Redundancy: High reusability of programs and files, high cohesion, low coupling.

High Execution Efficiency: Implement application requirements with the simplest program flow, avoiding unnecessary complexity.

Code Security: Be a vigilant programmer; exercise caution with any user input or file uploads, as a moment’s negligence can lead to system failure.

In conclusion, becoming a Senior PHP Engineer isn’t overly difficult for someone who can persist and enjoys PHP. The challenge lies in learning to use tools to realize ideas, whether they are your own or others’ requirements, and mastering the art of transformation.

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