DEV Community

Angelika Jolly
Angelika Jolly

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Crack the Code: Hosting Your Website on GitHub Pages

Cracking the code on hosting your website with GitHub Pages is like unlocking a door to a world of easy, free web hosting. Here's your step-by-step guide:

  1. Create a GitHub Account: If you don't have one already, sign up for a GitHub account at

  2. Create a New Repository: Once logged in, create a new repository by clicking on the '+' sign in the upper right corner and selecting "New repository". Name it as <username>, where <username> is your GitHub username. This naming convention is essential for GitHub Pages to recognize it as your personal website.

  3. Upload Your Website Files: You can upload your website files directly to the repository using the GitHub web interface, or you can use Git commands to push your files to the repository. Ensure you have an index.html file as your main entry point.

  4. Enable GitHub Pages: Go to your repository settings, scroll down to the "GitHub Pages" section, and choose the branch you want to use for GitHub Pages. Typically, you'd select the main branch. Then, GitHub Pages will give you a URL where your website will be hosted (usually https://<username>

  5. Custom Domain (Optional): If you have a custom domain, you can configure it to point to your GitHub Pages site. In your repository settings, under GitHub Pages, you'll see an option to add a custom domain.

  6. Jekyll (Optional): GitHub Pages supports Jekyll, a static site generator. If you want to use Jekyll, create a file named _config.yml in your repository root and configure it according to your preferences.

  7. Commit and Push: Once you've made all the necessary configurations, commit your changes and push them to your GitHub repository.

  8. Wait for Deployment: It may take a few minutes for GitHub Pages to deploy your website. Once deployed, you can access it using the URL provided in the GitHub Pages settings.

That's it! You've successfully hosted your website on GitHub Pages. Now you can share your creations with the world hassle-free.

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