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Angga Lesmana
Angga Lesmana

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Angular interactive and reactive

Angular uses reactive programming principles to build interactive and responsive web applications. Reactive programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on the use of streams of data that emit values over time, and the use of operations that can be performed on those streams to create new streams of data.

In Angular, reactive programming is implemented using the

ReactiveFormsModule and the FormControl, FormGroup, and FormArray classes

, which provide an API for working with forms in a reactive way. These classes allow you to create and manipulate form controls and form groups, and to bind them to templates in a declarative way.

Reactive programming in Angular allows you to build forms that are more interactive and responsive, as you can use the FormControl and FormGroup classes to track the state of the form and the values of the form controls in real-time, and to update the template and the component class whenever the form state changes.

On the other hand, Angular also provides a template-driven approach to building forms, which is implemented using the FormsModule and the ngModel directive. This approach allows you to build forms by adding directives to the template and binding the form controls to the template using the ngModel directive. This approach is simpler and easier to use for basic forms, but it is less powerful and flexible than the reactive approach, as it does not provide the same level of control over the form state and the form controls.

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