Every week I come across some great articles. Here are some of the posts I feel you will enjoy reading as much as I did.
It is tedious to fill forms on mobile devices. Alex Holachek shows how you can properly configure inputs to make filling in forms more convenient for your users on mobile devices.
How do you decide whether you should go for a static website or a server-side software? Chris Coyier outlines good and bad reasons to choose one rather than the other.
Is test-Driven-Devoplment(TDD) even possible for UI? TK uses TDD to build a React component.
Ruth from the The Happy Saver talks about the lifecycle of an investor and the rough path that everyone should follow when it comes to investing starting from when you are born.
Ever wondered how hackers find security vulnerabilities in a computer system? Sonya Moisset has a walkthrough to solve the CTF Challenge Lame presented by Hack the Box for making online penetration practices.
Sarah Drasner has a great tool to generate the CSS code for a hero.
Hope you enjoy reading these articles as much as I did.
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