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Anlisha Maharjan
Anlisha Maharjan

Posted on • Originally published at on

Deploy Laravel with GitHub Actions on Shared Hosting

Let’s see the process to deploy Laravel app on shared hosting with SSH GitHub Action.


  • Set up SSH keys in the server.

  • Set up Laravel project in GitHub.

Let’s start!

Create Deployment Script:

Run the command below in the root of the project directory. A file is created inside the scripts folder. Paste the code snippet below into the file.

mkdir .scripts/
touch .scripts/
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Setup GitHub Actions:

Option 1:

Run the command below in the root of the project directory. A ci.yml file is created inside the workflows folder, the file can have any name but it should end with a .yml extension. Write the configuration code snippet below into the ci.yml file.

mkdir .github/
mkdir .github/workflows/
touch .github/workflows/ci.yml
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Option 2:

In the GitHub repository, click on Actions > set up a workflow yourself and write the configuration code snippet below into the ci.yml file. The file can have any name but it should end with a .yml extension.

Let me explain what each section does.

name: Deploy on push master
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Just specifying a name for the workflow.

      - master
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The above snippet triggers the workflow when one pushes to the master branch.

    name: Deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
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jobs – Group all the jobs that run in the workflow. Specifying and setting up a web-deploy job.

runs-on: ubuntu-latest – Configures to run the workflow using the latest version of Ubuntu.

    - name: 🚚 Get latest code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
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steps – Group all the steps that run in the web-deploy job.

uses: actions/checkout@v2 – Check-out repository so the workflow can access it.

- name: 📂 Deploy to server via ssh
        uses: appleboy/ssh-action@v0.1.7
          host: ${{ secrets.HOST }}
          username: ${{ secrets.USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.PASSWORD }}
          port: ${{ secrets.PORT }}
          script: "cd /var/www/html && sh ./.scripts/"
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Using appleboy/ssh-action; any ssh commands can be remotely executed to the shared hosting server with SSH username/password provided.

Add GitHub Secrets:

Goto Settings tab on the GitHub repository, click on Secrets > Actions > New Repository Secret to add the server host, ssh username, password, and port.

For example: For Server host: HOST as Name and your server IP address as Value. For SSH port: PORT as Name and your ssh port as Value. 22 is the default ssh port. For example: For SSH username: USERNAME as Name and run whoami on your server and use the result as Value.

To access variables in the pipeline use the format below:

${{ secrets.HOST }}
${{ secrets.USERNAME }}
${{ secrets.PASSWORD }}
${{ secrets.PORT }}
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Now anytime one pushes to the master branch, the pipeline starts running a web-deploy job that deploys the Laravel app.

Goto Actions tab to monitor whether it’s running, successfully deployed, or failed.

This concludes a CI/CD pipeline for Laravel on GitHub. Thanks for reading!

The post Deploy Laravel with GitHub Actions on Shared Hosting first appeared on Anlisha Maharjan.

Top comments (2)

beelalaminkhan profile image
Bilal Khan

Concise and to the point, thank you!

anlishamaharjan profile image
Anlisha Maharjan

Thank you.