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Anna Wijetunga
Anna Wijetunga

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JavaScript Closures

Like learning any new language, your knowledge can drip away when your focus shifts.

My focus did indeed shift over the past month - from intense language learning (JavaScript!) to interview prep to strictly coding practice.

What I really needed, silly me, was a sweet lil' mixture of coding and concepts.

Reviewing JavaScript basics, most concepts soaked right back in - except for one.


Originally a mathematical concept, from lambda calculus (did you know that?! me neither!). But for our purposes here, we know a closure to be a behavior of functions.

And only functions.

An object cannot have closure.

Nor does a class have closure.

Only functions.

For closure to be observed, a function must be invoked.

And, it must be invoked in a different branch of the scope chain from where it was originally defined.

Closure Simply Defined

Each reference from an inner function to the variables in an outer scope is called a closure.

Closure's Purpose

A closure gives you access to an outer function’s scope from an inner function.

The closure is a function that remembers the variables from the place where it is defined, regardless of where it is executed later.

Many (and I mean many) other authors claimed to explain closures simply, but I believe Dmitri Pavluti did it best:

Simple Explanation of Closures

Have a different resource or explanation that helped closures "click" for you? Share below - would love to hear more.

Top comments (2)

nikhilshrv profile image
Nikhil Shrivastav • Edited

You mention -

An object cannot have closure.
Only functions.

Did you know, functions too are just Objects in JavaScript?

annawijetunga profile image
Anna Wijetunga

And therein lies the rub! Exactly what makes JavaScript so confusing. Good of you to mention it :).