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Ashish prajapati
Ashish prajapati

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Bun: A Faster, Modern Alternative to Node.js for JavaScript Development

What is Bun in Node.js?

Bun is a fast, modern JavaScript runtime that works as an alternative to Node.js and Deno. It is designed to improve performance and simplify the development experience by providing native support for tasks like running scripts, bundling files, and managing packages—all at lightning-fast speeds. It uses JavaScriptCore (the engine behind Safari), unlike Node.js, which uses V8.

Bun combines the functionality of multiple tools, such as Node.js, npm, webpack, and TypeScript compilers, into a single executable. This makes development faster and easier for developers, as they can reduce dependencies on external tools.

Why Bun?

Here are some reasons developers choose Bun over traditional Node.js or other environments:

  1. Speed: Bun is significantly faster at performing tasks like package installation, script execution, and file bundling.
  2. Built-in Bundler: Bun can bundle JavaScript, CSS, and TypeScript files without additional tools like Webpack or Rollup.
  3. Built-in Transpiler: You don’t need external tools like Babel to convert TypeScript or JSX code to JavaScript.
  4. Native API Support: Bun has its own API for handling file operations, network requests, and more, making it easier to build applications.

Bun Features

  • Runtime: Executes JavaScript, TypeScript, and JSX directly with speed improvements.
  • Package Manager: Fast package installation similar to npm or Yarn.
  • Bundler: Bundles files (JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS) quickly for production.
  • Transpiler: Handles TypeScript and JSX natively without extra configuration.

How to Install and Use Bun

You can install Bun by running a single command in your terminal:

curl | bash
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After installation, you can start using Bun to install packages, run JavaScript/TypeScript code, and bundle files.

Example 1: Installing Packages with Bun

Let's compare how Bun installs packages versus npm or Yarn. Here’s how you'd install packages with Bun:

bun install
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This command installs dependencies from package.json, similar to npm install or yarn install. However, Bun is designed to be much faster than both.

Example 2: Running a JavaScript/TypeScript File

You can run a JavaScript or TypeScript file using Bun without any additional configurations:

bun run index.ts
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You don’t need to compile the TypeScript file manually. Bun will automatically handle the TypeScript-to-JavaScript conversion.

Example 3: Bundling Files

One of Bun's standout features is its built-in bundler, which you can use to bundle JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS files into a single file for production. Here’s how you bundle an application with Bun:

bun build app.tsx
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This command will create a bundled version of your app, minified and optimized for production. It’s similar to Webpack or esbuild but significantly faster.

Detailed Example

Let’s walk through a basic example where we:

  1. Create a new project
  2. Install dependencies using Bun
  3. Create and run a simple TypeScript file

Step 1: Create a New Project

Let’s start by creating a new directory for our project.

mkdir bun-example
cd bun-example
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Step 2: Initialize the Project

Create a package.json file using Bun:

bun init
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This will create a minimal package.json file with the project metadata.

Step 3: Install Dependencies

Let’s add a dependency, say Express, to build a web server.

bun add express
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This installs Express and updates your package.json file. The bun add command is like npm install or yarn add, but much faster.

Step 4: Create a TypeScript File

Now, create a file named server.ts in the project directory.

// server.ts

import express from "express";

const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  res.send("Hello from Bun!");

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server is running at http://localhost:${port}`);
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Step 5: Run the TypeScript File

You can run the server using the Bun runtime, which will automatically compile TypeScript:

bun run server.ts
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This command runs the server, and Bun will automatically handle the TypeScript compilation without needing to use tsc (TypeScript compiler).

If you navigate to http://localhost:3000, you should see the message "Hello from Bun!".

Step 6: Bundle Your Application for Production

Finally, if you want to bundle your application for production, you can use the following command:

bun build server.ts
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This will produce a minified, optimized version of your server, bundling all dependencies into a single file, making deployment easier.

Comparison with Node.js

Feature Node.js Bun
Runtime Engine V8 JavaScriptCore (Safari’s engine)
Package Manager npm/yarn Built-in, much faster
Bundler Webpack/Rollup/esbuild Built-in, much faster
TypeScript Support Requires external tools Native TypeScript support
Execution Speed Moderate Significantly faster


Bun is a promising runtime that improves performance and simplifies the JavaScript/TypeScript development experience by combining runtime, package management, and bundling into one efficient tool. Its speed and simplicity make it an appealing alternative to Node.js, especially for modern web and app developers who want faster builds and fewer dependencies.

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