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Laravel: How it Helps Safeguard Web Apps

Laravel is one of the leading front-end development frameworks in the world. Why? Well there are quite a lot of reasons. Custom software development is an inherently challenging concept, so one needs a consummate resource such as Laravel, which enables things like test automation, supports leading cache back-end systems, and more. But what about security? You see, safety is quite appropriately a concern amongst both developers as well as users. IT is because technology is evolving at a breakneck pace, and it is only natural to wonder if the systems we use today have adapted to this change in a robust enough manner to ensure that all the data we share with them is safe.

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Let’s say this: In the context of security as well, you will barely find any other similar resources that are as capable as Laravel. It offers a world of features and functionalities that, when used properly, help developers top-notch levels of security for the web app. So, be it an SQL injection attack or cross-site request forgery attack, Laravel’s security features can ensure that the app can prevent all that and so much more. So, now, let’s take a closer look at some of its most popular security features and how they help safeguard web apps.

  1. Authentication system: Laravel’s authentication system has a lot to offer, starting from the rock stable user authentication process, thanks to the relevant boilerplate code that it already provides in the scaffolding. But besides that, you also get several other guards and providers to fortify the authentication process further. While the providers retrieve users’ data from the database, the guards help authenticate users for every single request. The best part is that it doesn’t need much effort either.

  2. Safeguard cookies: Once you generate a new application key, a.k.a. the encryption key, Laravel can also help developers protect the cookies. By the way, if you are working on a brand new project, you will need to use the PHP artisan key. The application/encryption key makes use of two things, encryption and cookie classes, to make encrypted strings and hashes.

  3. PDO binding: Laravel offers different means to prevent SQL injections, including PDO binding, which prevents any variable from being passed on to the database without verifying it first. Then there’s also Fluent Query Builder and Eloquent, which protect against SQL injection attacks by generating statements that can get away from any incoming user input. So, when an attempt to access the database via a bogus SQL query is made, Fluent or Eloquent will buck this command and save the query as text.

The development world has, of course, an ocean of options to offer when one sets out to look for web app development tools, and yet a substantial majority of businesses turn to Laravel web development services for its ability to deliver high-quality apps that also offer exceptional levels of security. Because Laravel can protect web apps from most attacks, it becomes even easier to see why it is so sought after in the ecosystem.

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