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Cover image for Introducing 1.4 Lightning Hackathon: Functions
haimantika mitra for Appwrite

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Introducing 1.4 Lightning Hackathon: Functions

Appwrite Functions has just had a fresh upgrade, and we are so excited we are hosting a lightning-round hackathon focusing on functions. It will last 10 days only - but no worries! With our newly released functions, you can add functionality to your application with just a few clicks!

How to join

  1. No registration is required. Just start coding using function templates!
  2. Join the Appwrite Discord community in channel #lightninghackathon
  3. Please choose the MIT license on your GitHub repo.
  4. Submit your GitHub repo and the requested information here:
  5. Submit your project to
  6. Share your creation on social media using #LightningHackathon and by tagging @appwrite

Key dates

  • Start date: Sept 21st, 2023, 11:00AM CST

  • End date: Oct 1st, 2023, 11:00AM CST

Rules & Criteria

So, what are the rules for joining the hackathon?

  • Build whatever you like using Appwrite functions.
  • You can be part of a team or join individually, but do note there is only one prize per winning team or individual.
  • You or your team can submit as many projects as you like, so long as you use Appwrite functions.
  • You can use any language or framework.
  • Please choose the MIT license on your GitHub repo.
  • Submit your repo using this form and share your repo online while tagging Appwrite and using #LightningHackathon.
  • Only one person per team has to submit the Typeform
  • You are allowed to add as many submissions as you want to increase your chances of winning.
  • Some criteria our judges will look out for are creativity, usage of functions, technical components, visually pleasing


The prizes are a customized Appwriter or an Appwrite t-shirt. Each winning entry will receive one of the prizes. In case you enter as a team, only one prize will be shipped.

We will have a total of:

  • 3 winners, each winning one Appwriter keyboard
  • 10 runner-ups, each winning one Appwrite t-shirt

Note: We only give out one prize per team.

Community help

You can find the Appwrite team and the rest of the community on Discord. We will be here to help you build, find project partners, or just come and hang out and learn!

In order to get support, you will need to join our #lightning-hackathon Discord channel. Join us on Discord.


For you to get you started, we collected some useful resources:

Top comments (2)

tessamero profile image
Tessa Mero

woohoo :)

ilhanates profile image
Ilhan Ates

Good luck everyone!