- Basic Knowledge of Docker and Kubernetes
- GitLab Account
- Git Installed on Local Machine
- Docker Installed on Local Machine
- Minikube Installed on Local Machine
- kubectl Installed on Local Machine
Step 1: Setting Up the Project
Create a Project Directory
mkdir day13secureci cd day13secureci
Initialize a Git Repository
git init
Create a Dockerfile
touch Dockerfile
Content of Dockerfile:
# Use an official Node.js runtime as a parent image FROM node:14 # Set the working directory WORKDIR /usr/src/app # Copy package.json and package-lock.json COPY package*.json ./ # Install dependencies RUN npm install # Copy the rest of the application code COPY . . # Expose port 8080 EXPOSE 8080 # Run the application CMD ["node", "app.js"]
Create Kubernetes Deployment and Service Files
mkdir -p kubernetes touch kubernetes/deployment.yaml touch kubernetes/service.yaml
Content of deployment.yaml:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: my-app-deployment spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: my-app template: metadata: labels: app: my-app spec: containers: - name: my-app image: ports: - containerPort: 8080
Content of service.yaml:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-app-service spec: selector: app: my-app ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 8080 type: LoadBalancer
Create GitLab CI/CD Configuration File
touch .gitlab-ci.yml
Content of .gitlab-ci.yml:
stages: - build - test - deploy variables: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 before_script: - docker info build: stage: build script: - docker build -t my-app . - docker tag my-app:latest - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN - docker push test: stage: test script: - docker run --rm my-app npm test deploy: stage: deploy script: - kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yaml - kubectl apply -f kubernetes/service.yaml environment: name: production url:
Create Your Application Code
- Create a simple Node.js application:
touch app.js
Content of app.js:
const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const port = 8080; app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send('Hello, World!'); }); app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`App running on http://localhost:${port}`); });
Create package.json:
touch package.json
Content of package.json:
{ "name": "my-app", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "A simple Node.js app", "main": "app.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "dependencies": { "express": "^4.17.1" } }
Step 2: Setting Up GitLab
Create a New Project on GitLab
- Log in to your GitLab account and create a new project.
Connect Your Local Repository to GitLab
git remote add origin git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" git push -u origin master
Step 3: Running the Pipeline Locally
Since GitLab CI/CD runs in a CI environment and cannot directly interact with your local Minikube cluster, you’ll need to simulate the pipeline locally or adjust your setup for local testing.
Create a Script to Run the CI/CD Steps Locally
Content of
#!/bin/bash # Set variables IMAGE_NAME="my-app" REGISTRY="" USERNAME="your-username" PROJECT_NAME="your-project-name" IMAGE_TAG="${REGISTRY}/${USERNAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}:${IMAGE_NAME}" # Build Docker image echo "Building Docker image..." docker build -t ${IMAGE_NAME} . # Tag the Docker image echo "Tagging Docker image..." docker tag ${IMAGE_NAME}:latest ${IMAGE_TAG}:latest # Log in to GitLab container registry echo "Logging in to GitLab container registry..." docker login -u your-gitlab-username -p your-gitlab-password ${REGISTRY} # Push the Docker image to the registry echo "Pushing Docker image to registry..." docker push ${IMAGE_TAG}:latest # Run tests (assuming you have a test script) echo "Running tests..." docker run --rm ${IMAGE_TAG}:latest npm test # Deploy to Minikube echo "Deploying to Minikube..." kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f kubernetes/service.yaml echo "Pipeline execution completed."
Make the Script Executable
chmod +x
Run the Script
Step 4: Verify Deployment on Minikube
Start Minikube
minikube start
Check the Deployment and Service
kubectl get deployments kubectl get services
Common Issues and Troubleshooting
Dockerfile Not Found
- Ensure the
is in the project root directory and named correctly.
- Ensure the
Invalid Repository/Tag Format
- Ensure you have replaced placeholder values with actual GitLab username and project name.
Missing Kubernetes Files
- Verify that
exist and have the correct content.
- Verify that
Final Notes
- Ensure all paths and filenames are correct.
- Replace all placeholder values with your actual values.
- Follow the steps sequentially to avoid errors.
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