DEV Community

Adam Miedema
Adam Miedema

Posted on • Originally published at

Opening up port 80 and 443 for Oracle Cloud servers

Are you working on setting up your Oracle Cloud server and are facing issues with sites rendering as expected? Such as, getting time out issues when navigating to the site's url?

This very well can be due to ports 80 and 443 not being fully opened.

With, you can connect to your Oracle account and provision some of Oracle's free server options. as part of the provision process will run some updates to ensure ports 80 and 443 are open.

However, if you are connecting to an Oracle server via the Custom Server option, then you'll need to manually perform some of these steps that Cleavr's Oracle intregration option does automatically.

Before we get into the steps of making port 80 and 443 work properly on an Oracle server, you may be wondering why Cleavr only integrates with some of the free server options and does not provide paid tier options. In short, we wanted to provide users with a free server option and Oracle in one of the few providers that offers a decent free server option. However, the experience to connect with Oracle accounts is very rough around the edges plus these oddities around port connections have led us to delay integrating with Oracle further until their experiences improve.

But, let's get back to the main issue. When you provision a server via Oracle's cloud interface, ports 80 and 443 won't be fully opened until you make the following updates.

Step 1: Add ingress rules

For this first step, you'll need to access your Oracle Cloud account.

Port 80 and 443 will be closed by default. Assuming you plan to add websites to the server, open port 80 and 443 by clicking on Virtual Cloud Network from the server instance details screen.

setting up ports

Click Security List on the left menu.

![setting up ports]((

Click on the security list

setting up ports

Click Add Ingress Rules

setting up ports

Add the following source and port -

setting up ports

Add the ingress rule for port 80. Do the same process for port 443.

At this juncture, you may be led to believe that ports 80 and 443 are opened. Afterall, you just set the ingress rule that opens up the ports.

Not so fast!

It'd be best and most expediant to scan the server ports to make sure that these ports are actually opened to the outside world.

We'll use's server port scanning tool to scan the server after making the above updates.

doneo port scan shows 443 is still closed

In the above, we can see that we still have some work to do to open up port 443.

Step 2: Modify iptables

For this step, we'll need to SSH into the server so we can run some terminal commands.

Run the following commands:

iptables -I INPUT 6 -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
netfilter-persistent save
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will update the iptables to allow port 443. If port 80 was blocked after performing a port scan, then also run the above but swap out 443 with 80.

Now, run another server port scan to see if 443 is open.

doneo port scan shows 443 is open

We can see from the screenshot above from the port scan that 443 is now open.

Your http and https sites should now be accessible to the public.

Hopefully, this article saves you some time and stress as this can be a frustrating issue to resolve.

Top comments (5)

hiweus profile image
Andre AL • Edited

Thx, yesterday I created account and got my free tier, but i failed opening port 8000 for tests. Very good explanation, the screenshots made the process much more easy.

hiweus profile image
Andre AL • Edited

When i tried iptables command, this error occour:

iptables v1.8.7 (nf_tables): Couldn't load match state':No such file or directory
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so i used the ufw command like this:

sudo ufw allow 8000/tcp
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hiweus profile image
Andre AL

ufw doens't work on oracle instances anymore. Reference

To allow traffic from any port just use:

sudo su # login as root
iptables -I INPUT -j ACCEPT # will allow traffic
iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 # persist configuration
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maharjun profile image
maharjun • Edited

This does not work if you have an iptables that uses nftables. You will get an error such as

iptables v1.8.7 (nf_tables): Couldn't load match state':No such file or directory

What one needs to do here instead is run the following commands

sudo iptables-legacy -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables-legacy -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
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and then save the changes as

sudo iptables-legacy-save | sudo tee /etc/iptables/rules.v4
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then each time the node is rebooted, these ports should be open.

ace3 profile image
Ignasius Wahyudi

thanks. it's helped me also.