DEV Community

Ashutosh Sarangi
Ashutosh Sarangi

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CSS In Details

How HTML renders in our pages

  1. Browser Loads HTML
  2. Converts HTML into DOM
  3. Feching Linked Resources
  4. Browser parses CSS (CSSOM)
  5. Combine DOM with CSSOM
  6. UI is painted (FCP) (First Contentful Paint)

HTML types of Element


  1. Block Level
  2. InLine

CSS Selectors:-

  1. type/Attribute Selector
  2. Class selector
  3. Id Selector
  4. Universal Selector (*)

CSS Inheritance

It occurs when an inheritance CSS property (i.e color) is not set directly on an element, the parent chain is traversed until a value for that property is found.

<div class="body">
    <p>This is a Paragraph, but it will have the blue color due to inheritance</p>
    color: blue;
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case 2

<div class="body">
    <p>This is a Paragraph, but it will have the red color due to direct Specification</p>
p {
color: red;
    color: blue;
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case 3

<div class="body">
    <p>This is a Paragraph, but it will have the blue color due to strong Specification</p>
p {
color: red;
.body p{
    color: blue;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

What is CSS Specificity

  1. the algorithm used by browsers to determine which css declaration should be applied.
  2. Each selector has a calculated weight. The Most specific weight wins. id--class -type Id Selector: 1 - 0 - 0 class selector: 0- 1 -0 type selector: 0-0-1

NOTE:- Inline Css are more specificity and !import has even more specificity

Css Specificity Calculator

Em & Rem

EM:- relative to its parent font-side


html {
    font-size: 16px;

div {
font-size: 2em; //16px * 2 = 32px;

p {
font-size: 2em; // 32px * 2 = 64px
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REM:- relative to Root font-side


html {
    font-size: 16px;

div {
font-size: 2rem; //16px * 2 = 32px;

p {
font-size: 2rem; // 16px * 2 = 32px
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

%:- % calculation


html {
    font-size: 16px;

div {
font-size: 120%; //1.2*16 = 19.2px;

p {
font-size: 120%; // 1.2 * 19.2 = 23.04px
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

CSS Combinators

1.Descendent Selector (ul li a)

<li><a href='#'></a></li>
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2.Child Combinators (direct Descendant) (div.text > p)

<div class="text">
   <P>Here the CSS will apply<P>
  <p>No CSS will apply</p>
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3.Adjacent Sibling Combinator (h1 + p)


  1. Both h1 and p should be in the same parent and p should be immediately after the h1 tag

4.General Sibling Combinator (p ~ code)


  1. they should not have an immediate sibling like an adjacent sibling. But they must have siblings
  2. They must have the same parent

Block Element Modifier Architechure(BEM)

  1. Design Methodology that helps create reusable components and code-sharing

Other Methodologies

  1. OOCSS
  5. BEM


  1. header
  2. Menu
  3. input
  4. checkbox (stand alone meaning)

Element (part of block)

  1. Menu items
  2. List Items
  3. Header title


  1. Disabled
  2. highlighted
  3. checked
  4. Yellow

.block__element--modifier Syntax

<form class=form>
   <input class='form__input'/>
   <input class="form__input form__input--disabled"/>
   <button class="form__button form__button--large"/>
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Box Model:-

Box Model layouts

width: 200px;
height: 80px;
padding: 20px;
border: 10px;
// Here the actual size of the box is 
height = 140px;
width = 260px;
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Box-Sizing: border-box;
When we add this we are saying HTML compiler that whatever we specify the height and width that should be it.

if there is padding and border you need to align it internally. but my width and height should not exceed the mentioned size.

width: 200px;
height: 80px;
padding: 20px;
border: 10px;
box-sizing: border-box;
// Here the actual size of the box is mow
height = 20px;
width = 140px;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


It is the most confusing topic, hope I will make it clear to you

  • static
    • Element is positioned according to the normal flow of the document.
    • Top right bottom and left
  • relative
    • Element is positioned according to the normal flow of the document but offset relative to its normal positioning
    • Based on Top right bottom and left
  • absolute
    • Element is removed from normal document flow
    • Positioned relative to closest positioned ancestor
    • Top right bottom and left (based on)
  • fixed
    • Element is removed from Normal Document flow
    • Position Relative to the containing block established by view port
    • Top right bottom and left
  • sticky
    • Element is positioned according to normal document flow then offset relative to nearest scrolling ansestor.
  • Top right bottom and left

*Visualization of fixed and sticky is very crucial *


Drop Shadow Example

Pseudo Classes

Input-Element pseudo-classes

  • :enabled
  • :disabled
  • :checked
  • :required
  • :optional

Location pseudo-classes

  • :any-link
  • :link
  • :visited

Tree Structure pseudo-classes

  • :root
  • :nth-child()
  • :first-child
  • :last-child

User Action pseudo-classes

  • :hover
  • :active
  • :focus

Functional pseudo-classes

  • :is()
  • :not()

Pseudo Elements

  • ::before
  • ::after
  • ::placeholder
  • ::first-line


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