DEV Community

Blogging as a Developer

Ali Spittel on March 28, 2018

I haven't posted in a while (though I've got some good stuff in the works), but I wrote this up for a talk I gave on blogging as a developer. I tho...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Writing has made me so much more confident as a developer. People kind of think you have to be confident as a developer to get into writing but it definitely works in reverse. I mean I got so into it I started It's amazing how necessary it is for our ecosystem, and therefor the world.

I'll note for folks reading this that is very friendly to crossposting, either from your own site or an existing Medium feed. It's your content, we are just partners in helping you find the community to enjoy it. Info on that is in settings.

swyx profile image

The problem is people only ever want to engage on nontechnical topics (like this). I have 236 followers on this website and i've talked to like 3 of them. The engagement is super shallow and I want to engage on technical topics. I dont know why but Spectrum and Twitter have been far better for technical engagement than If I were Ben I would be worried.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I agree with your assessment, but I think we're making some really solid strides in this regard. It may not be super clear yet. By the way Shawn I got your Twitter DM on this subject. It's all super well-received and sorry I never got back to you.

rickssss profile image
Rick • Edited

"People kind of think you have to be confident as a developer to get into writing but it definitely works in reverse."
It's like I used to always tell my fashion-challenged roommate before he started dressing well! (he was heading towards law school, it was my duty to get him looking a little more fly!)
He would pick up a cool piece of clothing on a shopping trip, and I would immediately identify it as the dopest piece that he got, while he would always have it pinned as the one he probably wants to return cause he felt like a poser wearing it. I told him that literally fake it till you make it! It's not universal, but it's pretty close. I said just wear the clothes and feel like a dork that everyone is laughing at for like 3 days and then for the rest of your life you'll be confident wearing that type of style or item.
example: i dressed very very autism spectrum-y when I was young. (there is a simple explanation for this. lol) I ordered a pair of skinny jeans on accident, SUPER SKINNY, and since I was broke as hell I decided to wear them anyway even though it felt like a pants-shaped rubberband.
I can't think of how many pairs of skinnys I've just worn through til they're raw.
Now apply that to everything! Besides idk nuclear engineering
edit: just realized, i could totally write a post based on this. lol.

dangolant profile image
Daniel Golant

100% this. I am always commenting that I had a close friend of mine's confidence in putting stuff out there.

patrickleet profile image
Patrick Scott

how do you crosspost from medium?

luispcosta profile image
LuΓ­s Costa

This is something I'm interested in. How do you guys find time to write? Do you write in the morning, or the evening after work? I feel like I can't do more code related stuff after work because I'm exhausted. In the morning I go to the gym (5x week) so I don't have that time. I don't like going to the gym in the evening because of a) gym is packed and I can't do my exercise properly and b) there's always something that can come up in the evenings so I end up skipping it. It's kind of hard to find a balance here.. at least in my case. Your thoughts?

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

I just make it part of my routine. I also write a lot on weekends when I usually can devote a whole morning to it! I normally get home from evening plans around 8/9 and then spend a few hours working on blogging or code projects! I also usually work Sunday evenings and Saturday mornings!

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

My plan is to write a post every 10-15 days. I have noticed that if I work half an hour daily regarding writing, it is pretty convenient in terms of time. I have heard other people are writing while standing at queues or while commuting. Or as Ali mentioned, you can devote Saturday mornings, being refreshed to complete half your article or so.

rapasoft profile image
Pavol Rajzak

There are different kind of posts you can write. It doesn't need to be elaborate research project each time, but if you are able to articulate message in few sentences you can write a post like this within an hour or so.

ardennl profile image
Arden de Raaij

Ah I wanted to ask the same question, haha. I find this super insightful, but whenever I work for an employer I find it really hard to keep on blogging. As a freelancer I make some time for it myself, and might work a few hours less on my projects. But now I'm employed again the amount of blogging quickly fades. Just like you I go to the gym in the morning, although when I wake up reheally early I might get 30m of writing in..which for me is like 1/15th of my average blogpost πŸ˜…

gkunwar profile image
Ganesh Kunwar • Edited

As Ali mention in her post, you can take a note of problem and their solution that you face while working and make a blog post in weakened. Which is really helpful to others who are facing same problem and sometimes yourself.

aurelkurtula profile image
aurel kurtula

May I ask, is it recommended to publish each post in different platforms?

I started blogging when I discovered and I can the points in "why blog" but haven't done anything with regards of gaining readership.

When ever I thought of re-publishing the articles I write here to medium or into a personal blog I never do it because it feels I don't know ...

Do you re-publish the same content in different platforms?

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias • Edited

I post to my own platform, I am copying it to medium and then almost automatically it gets posted here too. For me, it is just a matter of control. But it is just me. :)

I have to admit, is a very warm dev home and I really enjoy the vibe of the community here.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I don't think it's totally necessary. Many folks write specifically with the mindset that it'll go on but we do try to make the process as easy as possible for folks that do. Out of principle I think many like the idea of publishing to their own platform even if they are also publishing elsewhere.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

Also worth noting that allows you to use a canonical URL so search engines know it's the same post and index it accordingly (good for your SEO).

gavincampbell profile image
Gavin Campbell • Edited

I have different content here than on my own site; my own site has more specific how-to type stuff so I use to separate the "culture", "career", etc. type of material.

Also, inspired by an earlier post which I can't find now, I don't care about SEO and don't have a "hit counter" on my own page, so this is not a worry!

dceddia profile image
Dave Ceddia

It feels... spammy? Sneaky? Like some terrible violation of DRY (don't-repeat-yourself)? :) I know that feeling. I still fight it.

I try to think about it this way:

  • is the post helpful? (yes)
  • given the set of people in the world who it would help, did all of them read it when I posted it on [Reddit|HN|my blog|]? (probably not)
  • if I repost it somewhere else, might it get in front of new people and help them? (probably)
  • and what happens if someone has already seen it elsewhere? (they'll probably just ignore it)
  • think of times you've seen an article in 3 different places. Did that make you unhappy? Did it lend credibility to the article?

I publish my posts on my own blog first, and then I sometimes republish them on or Medium, and I send them to my email list, and I often share them somewhere too (Reddit/Twitter/FB/etc). If you believe it's helpful, there's not much sense in keeping it quiet :)

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Which subreddits do you post to? I've always been super intimidated by posting there!

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dceddia profile image
Dave Ceddia

I usually just post to r/reactjs because most of my posts are on React and related stuff.

It IS intimidating. It still is for me, but it was much scarier in the beginning. On top of that, some subreddits are just not very friendly. r/programming and r/javascript come to mind... I tend to avoid those :)

I think the key, and what helped me, was to become active in the community before posting anything. It helped build up my own confidence, and also build up some reputation.

I'd reply to comments, answer questions (without linking out to my own stuff right out the gate), and after a little while, work in links to my posts when it was relevant. I try to write a helpful reply, and if I've got a related post, end the comment with "If you want more detail, I've written about this [here]". And once you've got some trust built up it's much less intimidating to post your own links to the subreddit, and they're more likely to be accepting.

It varies by subreddit too. Some are less friendly, some really hate links to your own stuff... but some are very accepting of it. Figuring out that vibe is another good reason to hang out and interact wherever you think you could help. And not just for Reddit of course :)

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

I personally do, but I think its totally fine to just post here as well! I post to Medium and my personal blog as well

martingbrown profile image
Martin G. Brown

Don't do what I did and think it is a great idea to develop your own blogging platform. Seriously I spend so much time on it I have no time left to write the blog posts.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Oh, interesting! I wrote one using GatsbyJS and I love it! It's relatively recent though, so maybe it'll be hard to maintain

martingbrown profile image
Martin G. Brown

I wrote mine years ago in C#/ASP.Net using a custom data layer and SQL Server, then I moved it to use Entity Framework, then I moved it to ASP.Net MVC, then I moved it to Azure, then I moved it to AWS, then I added better image support, then I added commenting, then I developed my own Captcha, then I added the Word Press API to make it Open Live Writer compatible, then I added the Blogger ATOM API, then I added jQuery, then I thought the web admin interface needed an over hall, then I wrote a web wysiwyg HTML editor, then I redesigned the look and feel using CSS, then I thought LESS would be good, then I made it Angular, then I thought SASS would be good, then I added a CDN, then I changed to React, and then I had kids.

Seriously the project is never ending.

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aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Haha too funny, I have it so I can just write markdown in my text editor and then run a script that transpiles it to HTML and then deploys it!

iwilsonq profile image
Ian Wilson

At two different times I rolled my own blog platform but only made it through 2-5 posts before the maintenance killed me. I suffered from wanting to build something so bad that I tried to do everything from scratch.

Recently, though, I set up my own site just using the Gatsby blog starter and its been a lot easier; I can actually spend my effort writing and cross posting.

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aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Mine's Gatsby too! I'm obsessed with it!

peoray profile image
Emmanuel Raymond

Thank you for pointing this out. I once had a WordPress blog but I'd spend the best part of my time searching for plugins and ways to improve the blog and neglect the most important thing which is to actually write the article. The reason I decided to just focus on Medium amd where everything is done for you and you just focus on writing your articles.

selrond profile image
Sebastian Andil

That's something I've been thinking about, and decided to go with WordPress for many obvious reasons, but mostly β€” it's your own platform

weswedding profile image
Weston Wedding

Along the same lines, just do some theme shopping and find a serviceable theme that does what you mostly want to do.

I have revised and re-written Wordpress themes and plugins so often that my blog turned into a 5 year journey.

dceddia profile image
Dave Ceddia

This is great. Blogging is great. I highly recommend blogging :)

But seriously: it has (good!) unintended consequences.

You start to feel more confident, because the act of writing blogs/tutorials will fill in the missing gaps in your knowledge.

People will start treating you like you know what you're talking about! Don't discount this. It feeds your confidence and causes a nice positive feedback loop, and also can lead to real opportunities (paid guest posts, jobs, consulting, etc). This is sort of unexpected and sort of counterintuitive. It's easy to look at the Twitter-famous devs and wonder how they got that way. Chances are, they got that way by consistently putting stuff out there that people found valuable. Could be open source software, but often it's combined with a significant amount of writing helpful stuff.

I'm a big fan of having your own platform. Facebook, Twitter, Medium... they're great for getting the word out, but they own the traffic and the readers. I suggest posting to your own site first, and syndicating content ("importing it") to Medium,, etc.

The other huge benefit to owning the platform is you can build up an email list, and stay in touch with your readers. When you get an email from someone saying how much your post helped them, got them unstuck after days of struggling, made a concept clear in their mind... that's an awesome feeling. It's huge for motivation, too.

I love the meta-advice from this article: that you can reuse content in multiple forms :) Turn your talk into a blog post. Turn a popular blog post into a talk. Or a podcast, or a video (series, even). Or a tweet thread. Sky's the limit!

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

That Twitter idea is awesome! Thanks!! I definitely have done the conference talk re-config though!

liamhammett profile image
Liam Hammett

I've published a small handful of blog posts on Medium so far this year - it was definitely easy to get set up and just jot down thoughts until enough came together to make a cohesive post in itself.

I didn't intend to "start a blog" at all, I wouldn't consider myself a blogger.

  • My first proper post came about because I merely had some thoughts on what someone else said. I was originally going to Tweet a reply, but what I had to say was hard to explain without examples and a bit of an explanation, so it ended up being long enough to make it an entire post.
  • My second proper post (explaining bitmasks) was something I was simply curious about myself, and all I wanted to do was note down some points because it's a subject not often talked about in PHP-land
  • I have a few more posts I've made in the meantime, but generally, these are just miscellaneous thoughts or links to libraries I've made, and posting about it on a blog, even if just a few words, makes it feel like it's "out there" that little bit more

Writing has definitely had an effect on me as a developer over the past few months. I'm finding it pushes me in different directions and researching more into a couple of topics than I otherwise would have.

It helps me to solidify ideas and back up my opinions on them instead of just letting them fester half-unfinished in the back of my mind.

alahmadiq8 profile image
Mohammad Alahmadi

Thank you so much Ali. I just started my first blog and it was super fun and rewarding. While considering where to publish my blog, I found to be the most welcoming community to first-time bloggers. The community is amazing!

My current goal is to write a blog once a month.

phillie profile image

This is a nice wrap-up!

I've been thinking about creating a blog for quite a time now, but was always unsure because there already are sooooo many good blogs, resources and other publications about x. This - plus never feeling expert enough at something - has kept me from starting, even though I love documenting & writing, and have lots of post ideas. πŸ˜…

I've never thought about the benefits I too have from starting a blog / writing about specific topics though. So yeah your post kinda convinced me to go and really start a blog now.

Thank you! I'll def. save your post to come back from time to time. πŸ™‚

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Yay! This is awesome! I think writing posts when you are just learning something can almost be more helpful for people because it reinforces your knowledge and you also are probably not going to go too far over the heads of your readers. You can relate more easily to other people learning that tool!

philnash profile image
Phil Nash

Great tips! I need to sort out that last point on my personal blog, related posts might get more articles in front of people.

I've got one more point for you for why to blog though. I'm always checking old posts I wrote to remind me of things I know. I write for future Phil and it normally helps me out, if it helps anyone else then that's a bonus.

rickssss profile image

I love this article. I keep trying to think of the best way to jump in and write a substantial article that is technical in nature, but I think most would be too full of weird math stuff that I'm excited about to attract an audience or to give me a larger profile for my job search. But the article is a great confidence booster and guide.

dangolant profile image
Daniel Golant

I'll add this: when in doubt, post it. I framed out a post in like February of 2016 about my perspective on Snapchat's prospects and where I thought their roadmap would take them. I think on like 5 of 7 points I was dead on, and I just never posted it because I was concerned about being right. It obviously wasn't an educational post, but it ran counter to much of the zeitgeist at the time, and I just wish I had put it out there.

kayis profile image

I think I got all right besides the community part.

I have hunderets of followers on and Twitter, but I have the feeling there isn't much interaction happening.

The only thing that gets me going is the fact that I love software development and like to learn new things, but most of the time I have the feeling nobody really cares about what and if I write.

Even when I write comments on other peoples posts they often just post replies that feel like generic acknowledgments to me. "Thanks for your opinion blabla", like, they know they have to answer so it looks like something is happening on their posts and they are responsive, but they don't really care about what other people think.

On the other hand, I'm not the social type, maybe this shines through online and people don't bother, hehe.

mvdsman profile image
Mark vd Sman

Very nice post! They're gonna come in very handy once I start up my own blog.. Would love to see more of your tips! :)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

This is good, but it's describing blogging as something with a metric for success, and I don't think blogging needs that.
If your purpose with blogging is anything other than to write about stuff you're passionate about, then you should probably start by defining your goal.
Is it to get the largest number of followers you can? Then you can start by looking for the low-hanging fruit - if the medium you've chosen doesn't already have a food fight about vim Vs Emacs, start one!
Is it to improve your chances of getting a particular job? Then you could do better if you research the role and find something to write about which relates to both the company and yourself.

nodefiend profile image

super helpful post thank you.

I am a react/rails dev with 3 years now, and I am just starting to write blog posts and articles , i've found to be a great outlet , i'm experiencing all of the things you've listed above , especially the reinforcing of new concepts.

I usually like to write about problems and issues i run into , and are at first really difficult for me to understand, i feel like those are the most important ones to write about. not only does it reinforce my own knowledge of the issue, but also i can hopefully maybe reach someone who is struggling with a similar issue and help them solve it!

thanks so much

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Thanks for posting this. These tips are everything I need for an extra push I officially started blogging.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Yay! that is awesome to hear!

andreaskol profile image

Helpful tips all in one place as I start my own blog adventures. Did a Wordpress workshop a few weeks ago..

kayis profile image
K • Edited

Somehow the gained readership anti-proportional to the amount of time I put into an article.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

That's how I feel about this article :( my top reacted to and read article took me like 1/20th of the time of a normal one!

maciekchmura profile image
Maciek Chmura

Should one blog under own name (personal brand) or came up with a specific name for a blog? Which approach is better and why?

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

That's actually a really fascinating question. My blog is the Zen of Programming, but on here and Medium I post as Ali Spittel. Most of the huge programming blogs have their own names and branding, which is why I did as well. But, if you are blogging to get a job or for career purposes (which I'm not) it may be better to blog exclusively as yourself in order to get the full recognition? I'm not totally sure here to be honest -- I actually just tweeted this in order to keep the discussion going.

arximughal profile image
Muhammad Arslan Aslam

I just posted an article last night on my blog. I'd definitely re post it here. Great article <3

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Do it! The community is awesome!

wizkid_alex profile image
Alex Oladele

Which platform would you say is better for posting daily? I was considering Medium or, but they seemed much better for larger posts that aren't as frequent as daily.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Great question! Not totally sure on that one since I haven't tried that before. My bet would be Medium, though.

thinkhuang profile image

Now, I record casually,I like this way.But i'm afraid that it's too casual to be scrappy!