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Ultimate List of 50+ Essential Telegram Bots

50+ Essential Bots for Productivity, Downloads, Entertainment & More

Table of Contents

  • Download & File Management
  • Entertainment & Games
  • Email & Communication
  • Group Management & Moderation
  • Utilities & Tools
  • Travel & Lifestyle
  • Search & Information
  • Translation & Language
  • OSINT & Research
  • Productivity & Task Management

Download & File Management

Bot Name Username Monthly Users Description
Download It Bot @download_it_bot 292,600+ Download videos from various social media platforms. Share a link to a video on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, and the bot will download it for you.
File to bot @filetobot 94,000+ Use Telegram as a cloud storage service by sending files to this bot. Store files and access them from any device.
Linkgram @LinkgramBot 13,700+ Send it a direct link of a file to get Telegram file, vice versa. Or send a YouTube video link if you want to download a YouTube video or even only its audio.
New File Converter Bot @newfileconverterbot 74,600+ Easily convert files between various formats without leaving Telegram. Send a file to the bot and choose the desired output format.
Reddit Downloader Bot @redditdownloader_bot Download videos and images from Reddit posts. Share a Reddit post link with the bot to download its media content.
Twitter Video Bot @twittervid_bot 134,100+ Download videos from Twitter. Share a tweet with a video and the bot will download it2.
URL Upload Bot @uploadbot 56,300+ Upload files from a URL. Share files quickly by providing a URL.
VK Music bot @vkmusic_bot, Vkmbot_musikbot 4,531,500+, 350,600+ Search for music from Find and share music tracks with your contacts.
YouTube Downloader Bots @YtbDownBot, @Safe_utubebot, @remoteyoutubedl_bot 156,200+, 13,800+, 12,000+ Download YouTube videos with various features.

Entertainment & Games

Bot Name Username Monthly Users Description
Gamee @gamee 2,503,000+ Play a variety of games within Telegram without installing any additional apps. Choose from a wide selection of games, including puzzles, arcade games, and more.
Gifties @gifties_bot 12,300+ Mini-app to send digital gifts.
Gif Finder @gifinderbot Find the perfect GIF for any situation with this bot's extensive search capabilities. Search for GIFs based on keywords or reactions.
Golden Guardians @ggs_official_bot 1,243,800+ Play Golden Guardians, survival-focused game on Telegram.
My instants bot @myinstantsbot Send funny sound effects as voice messages in any chat. Search for sound effects and share them as voice messages.
Sound memes bot @soundmemesbot Search for meme sounds. Find and share popular meme sound effects.
Voicy Bot @VoicySounds_bot Voicy allows you to search, share and create funny meme sounds.
Would you rather bot @rathergamebot Play "Would You Rather" games solo or with friends. Start a game and choose between two options.

Email & Communication

Bot Name Username Monthly Users Description @DropMailBot 60,400+ Generate disposable email addresses for online registrations or situations where you want to avoid giving out your primary email. Create temporary email addresses that expire after a certain time.
Fake Mail @fakemailbot 126,600+ Generate temporary email addresses for online registrations or situations where you want to avoid giving out your primary email.
Telegram email bot @etlgr_bot Assign an email address to any Telegram chat or use it as a traditional email client. This allows you to receive and send emails directly within Telegram.

Group Management & Moderation

Bot Name Username Monthly Users Description
CalsiBot @CalsiBot 76,100+ A general-purpose group administration bot with some fun commands like /emojify, /roll, /hug, etc. Manage group settings, moderate content, and use fun commands to engage members.
Combot @combot 315,200+ A comprehensive community management bot offering moderation, analytics, triggers, and other features to enhance group interactions. Track group activity, analyze member engagement, and automate various tasks.
Group Help @GroupHelpBot 1,265,700+ Manage your groups easily and securely with features like user roles, warnings, and bans. Assign roles to members, issue warnings, and ban disruptive users.
Rose Bot @MissRose_bot 2,529,300+ A powerful and multilingual group management bot with features like welcome messages, custom commands, and anti-spam measures. Configure the bot to welcome new members, enforce rules, and manage group content.
Shieldy @shieldy_bot 221,100+ Protect your Telegram groups from spam and unwanted bots with features like automated spam deletion, user greeting, and captcha tests for newcomers. Customize the bot's settings to moderate your group effectively.
VoteBot @vote 423,200+ Conduct polls in groups. Create polls with customizable voting options and view the results.

Utilities & Tools

Bot Name Username Monthly Users Description
Ebook to kindle bot @ebook_to_kindle_bot Send ebooks directly to your Kindle device. Forward an ebook file to the bot, and it will be delivered to your Kindle.
Link Shortener @LinkLiteBot Helps shorten any link, simply send the link you want to shorten.
MetricsBot @MetricsBot Track website traffic and other metrics. Monitor website performance, analyze user behavior, and get insights into your online presence.
rss2tg_bot @rss2tg_bot Follow RSS feeds and receive updates directly in Telegram. Add RSS feeds to the bot and get notified of new posts.
TGStat Alert Bot @TGAlertsBot 20,800+ Notifies about reposts and mentions of the channel and new posts with a given keyword in Telegram channels and chats.

Travel & Lifestyle

Bot Name Username Monthly Users Description
AirTrack @airtrack_bot 79,800+ Track flight prices and find the best deals for your travel needs. Set up price alerts and receive notifications when prices drop.
Comments Bot @CommentsBot Create posts with comments and share them to your channels or groups. This is useful for gathering feedback or creating interactive content.
On this day Bot @eventsofthedaybot Receive daily reminders of historical events and anniversaries. Learn about significant events that happened on this day in history.
Telegram for Zoom @zoombot Create and join Zoom meetings directly from Telegram without needing the Zoom app. Schedule and manage Zoom meetings within Telegram.

Search & Information

Bot Name Username Monthly Users Description
ChatNorrisBot @ChatNorrisBot Generate chat summaries and message recaps to manage information overload. This is particularly useful in busy group chats where it's easy to miss important messages.
SaveDayBot @SaveDayBot Summarize articles and YouTube videos directly in group chats using AI. Share a link to an article or video, and the bot will provide a concise summary.
Movie Tracker Bot @movieS4Bot 18,000+ Get detailed information about movies, including ratings, trailers, and showtimes. Search for movies and get comprehensive information.
Searchee bot @SearcheeBot 328,300+ Find any channel in Telegram.
TGStat bot @TGStat_Bot 255,600+ Get stats for a channel or a group by sending a link on it to the bot. Get post stats by send a link to the post or simply share the post in the dialogue with the bot.

Translation & Language

Bot Name Username Monthly Users Description
Translator @TgTranslatorBot, @TransChat_bot 41,300+, 5,200+ Translate text between various languages. Use the bot to translate messages or text within Telegram.
Babelgram @BabelgramBot Translates conversations among multilingual participants. Users can type in their native languages; Babelgram automatically translates in progress.

OSINT & Research

Bot Name Username Monthly Users Description
Maigret OSINT bot @osint_maigret_bot 23,800+ OSINT username checker, based on the Maigret CLI tool. Generates a concise PDF/HTML report with findings.
Nexus Search @science_nexus3_bot 25,400+ Quick "pocket research" on scientific materials and academic articles. Search books or scientific articles by titles, authors, DOIs and their contents.

Productivity & Task Management

Bot Name Username Monthly Users Description
Alert Bot @AlertBot Set alerts and notifications for various events. You can set reminders for specific times, recurring alerts, or even location-based notifications.
IFTTT @IFTTT Connect your Telegram with over 360 external services to automate tasks. Create "applets" to automatically save Instagram photos to Dropbox, receive notifications for new emails, or post tweets from Telegram.
Pomodoro Timer Bot @pomodoro_timer_bot Implement the Pomodoro Technique with customizable work and break intervals. Use the /start command to begin a session and /stop to end it.
Skeddy @SkeddyBot 15,700+ Set reminders for tasks and events with natural language processing. For example, you can type "Remind me to call the dentist tomorrow at 2 PM" or "Set a recurring reminder for every Monday at 9 AM to submit the weekly report."
Todorant Bot @todorant_bot Manage tasks with a focus on completion using productivity principles. Prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and track progress using commands like /add, /done, and /list.

Top comments (1)

neirlast profile image

There is a useful bot where you add your favorite music artists and when one of them releases a new track, the bot notifies you about it. @nofi_music_bot