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Revathi Joshi for AWS Community Builders

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Create RDS Database Snapshots

In my previous article - Create a MySQL RDS Database Instance with Terraform and connect with MySQL Workbench, I have shown you how to create a MySQL RDS Database Instance with Terraform.

In this article, I am going to demonstrate on how you create a MySQL RDS Database Instance and RDS Database Snapshot.

Please visit my GitHub Repository for RDS projects on various topics being updated on constant basis.

Let’s get started!


1. Signin to AWS Management Console

2. Create RDS MySQL instance

3. Create a snapshot

4. Validate the creation of RDS snapshot


  • AWS user account with admin access, not a root account.

Resources Used:

Steps for implementation to this project:

1. Signin to AWS Management Console

  • SignIn to the AWS Management Console using username and password in the AWS Region as US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1

2. Create RDS MySQL instance

  • On the Amazon RDS Console, Create database, Standard create, Engine type - MySQL, Templates - Free tier, Under Settings, DB instance identifier - myrdsinstance, Master username - admin, Master password - admin1234, Confirm master password - admin1234, DB instance class - db.t2.micro, Allocated storage - 20 GB, Storage autoscaling - uncheck Enable storage autoscaling, Monitoring - Uncheck Enable Enhanced monitoring, Under Additional Configuration, Backup - Uncheck Enable automated backups, Maintenance - Uncheck Enable auto minor version upgrade, Deletion protection - Uncheck Enable deletion protection, Take all defaults

  • Create database

  • Wait for 5-6 minutes to see the database created.

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3. Create a snapshot

  • On the RDS Console, in the left side panel click Snapshots, Take snapshot

  • Choose the DB Instance you created myrdsinstance

  • Enter the snapshot name - myrdsinstancesnap

  • Take Snapshot

  • Wait for 5-6 minutes to see the snapshot created.

Image description

4. Validate the creation of RDS snapshot

  • Check the snapshot details by clicking on the snapshot and viewing the details of your DB Instance

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  • From the Amazon RDS Console, delete RDS database snapshot - myrdsinstancesnap

  • delete RDS database - myrdsinstance

What we have done so far

  • We have successfully created a RDS MySQL instance, created and validated a RDS Database Snapshot.

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