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Everything you need to know about monitoring CoreDNS for DNS performance

📚 Introduction:

Running DNS-intensive workloads can sometimes lead to intermittent CoreDNS failures caused by DNS throttling. These issues can have a significant impact on your applications. 

Such disruptions can hinder the reliability and performance of your services, making it mandatory to have a monitoring solution in place.
AWS offers a suite of open-source tools - CloudWatch, Fluentd, and Grafana - that can be integrated to monitor CoreDNS.

Introduction to Kubernetes DNS:

Kubernetes relies on DNS for service discovery within clusters. When applications running in pods need to communicate with each other, they often refer to services by their domain names rather than IP addresses.

This is where Kubernetes DNS comes into play. It ensures that these domain names are resolved to the correct IP addresses, allowing pods and services to communicate.

In Kubernetes, each pod is assigned a temporary IP address. However, these IP addresses are dynamic and can change over time, making it challenging for applications to keep track of them. 

Kubernetes addresses this challenge by assigning fully qualified domain names FQDNs to pods and services.

CoreDNS, the default DNS provider in Kubernetes, is responsible for handling DNS queries within the cluster. It maps these FQDNs to the corresponding IP addresses, enabling communication between pods and services.

Why DNS Issues Are Common:

DNS issues are a common source of frustration in network troubleshooting. DNS plays a big role in translating human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. 

However, DNS problems can arise due to many factors such as misconfigurations, network issues, or server failures. When DNS fails to resolve domain names correctly, applications may experience connectivity issues or fail to access external services.

CoreDNS in Kubernetes:

CoreDNS plays an important role in providing DNS services within Kubernetes clusters. As the default DNS provider since Kubernetes v1.13, CoreDNS simplifies cluster networking by enabling clients to access services using DNS names rather than IP addresses. It resolves domain name requests and facilitates service discovery within the cluster.

How CoreDNS Operates:

CoreDNS operates as a resolver and forwarder for DNS requests within Kubernetes clusters. When a pod needs to communicate with another service, it sends a DNS query to CoreDNS, specifying the domain name of the target service. CoreDNS then resolves this query by mapping the domain name to the corresponding IP address using its internal records.

For external domain names that CoreDNS is not authoritative for, it forwards the DNS query to public resolvers or upstream DNS servers for resolution.

To enhance performance and reduce latency, CoreDNS can cache DNS responses for frequently accessed domain names. This caching mechanism improves the responsiveness of DNS queries and reduces the load on upstream DNS servers. 

CoreDNS achieves this functionality through its modular architecture and extensible plugin system, allowing operators to customize and optimize DNS resolution according to their specific requirements.

Mitigating CoreDNS Throttling in Amazon EKS: 

In Amazon EKS clusters, CoreDNS and DNS throttling issues can be challenging to identify and troubleshoot.

While many users focus on monitoring CoreDNS logs and metrics, they often overlook the hard limit of 1024 packets per second (PPS) enforced at the Elastic Network Interface (ENI) level. Understanding how this limit can lead to throttling issues requires insight into the typical DNS resolution flow of a Kubernetes pod.

In a Kubernetes environment, pods must resolve domain names for both internal and external services to enable communication. This resolution process involves routing DNS queries through the worker node's ENI, particularly when resolving external endpoints. Even for internal endpoints, if the CoreDNS pod is not co-located with the querying pod, DNS packets still traverse the worker node's ENI.

Consider a scenario where there is a sudden surge in DNS queries, causing the PPS to approach the hard limit of 1024. This situation can result in DNS throttling, impacting all microservices running on the affected worker node. Unfortunately, troubleshooting such issues can be hard because the focus tends to be on CoreDNS pods rather than ENI metrics.

To mitigate DNS throttling issues in EKS clusters, it is important to monitor packet drops occurring at the ENI level continuously. This monitoring allows for early detection and prevention of potential outages. In this blog post, we introduce a solution that leverages network performance metrics to identify DNS throttling issues effectively.

Solution: 🎉

An easy way to identify the DNS throttling issues in worker nodes is by capturing linklocal_allowance_exceeded metric provided by the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) driver and other metrics also obviously.

The linklocal_allowance_exceeded is number of packets dropped because the PPS of the traffic to local proxy services exceeded the maximum for the network interface. This impacts traffic to the DNS service, the Instance Metadata Service, and the Amazon Time Sync Service.

Instead of tracking this event in real-time, we can stream this metric to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus as well and can have them visualized in Amazon Managed Grafana.

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Hands-on: collect and visualize CoreDNS metrics in AWS EKS:

The CoreDNS prometheus plugin exposes metrics in the OpenMetrics format, a text-based standard that evolved from the Prometheus format. In a Kubernetes cluster, the plugin is enabled by default, so you can begin monitoring many key metrics as soon as you launch your cluster.

By default, the prometheus plugin writes metrics to a /metrics endpoint on port 9153 on each CoreDNS pod.

Create an Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspace and Managed Service for Grafana:

In this step, we will create a workspace for Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus and Managed Service for Grafana:

  • the configuration in these files creates:
  • AMP workspace
  • AMP alert manager definition.

module "prometheus" {
  source = "terraform-aws-modules/managed-service-prometheus/aws"

  workspace_alias = "demo-coredns"

  alert_manager_definition = <<-EOT
  alertmanager_config: |
      receiver: 'default'
      - name: 'default'

  rule_group_namespaces = {}

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terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.3"

  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = ">= 5.32"

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To run the terraform, you need to execute:

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

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the below configuration files create will create:

  • Default Grafana workspace (using defaults provided by the module).

provider "aws" {
  region = local.region

data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {}

locals {
  region      = "eu-west-1"
  name        = "amg-ex-${replace(basename(path.cwd), "_", "-")}"
  description = "AWS Managed Grafana service for ${}"

  vpc_cidr = ""
  azs      = slice(data.aws_availability_zones.available.names, 0, 3)

# Managed Grafana Module

module "managed_grafana" {
  source = "../.."

  # Workspace
  name                      =
  associate_license         = false
  description               = local.description
  account_access_type       = "CURRENT_ACCOUNT"
  authentication_providers  = ["AWS_SSO"]
  permission_type           = "SERVICE_MANAGED"
  data_sources              = ["CLOUDWATCH", "PROMETHEUS", "XRAY"]
  notification_destinations = ["SNS"]
  stack_set_name            =
  grafana_version           = "9.4"

  configuration = jsonencode({
    unifiedAlerting = {
      enabled = true
    plugins = {
      pluginAdminEnabled = false

  # vpc configuration
  vpc_configuration = {
    subnet_ids = module.vpc.private_subnets
  security_group_rules = {
    egress_postgresql = {
      description = "Allow egress to PostgreSQL"
      from_port   = 5432
      to_port     = 5432
      protocol    = "tcp"
      cidr_blocks = module.vpc.private_subnets_cidr_blocks

  # Workspace API keys
  workspace_api_keys = {
    viewer = {
      key_name        = "viewer"
      key_role        = "VIEWER"
      seconds_to_live = 3600
    editor = {
      key_name        = "editor"
      key_role        = "EDITOR"
      seconds_to_live = 3600
    admin = {
      key_name        = "admin"
      key_role        = "ADMIN"
      seconds_to_live = 3600

  # Workspace IAM role
  create_iam_role                = true
  iam_role_name                  =
  use_iam_role_name_prefix       = true
  iam_role_description           = local.description
  iam_role_path                  = "/grafana/"
  iam_role_force_detach_policies = true
  iam_role_max_session_duration  = 7200
  iam_role_tags                  = { role = true }

  tags = local.tags

module "managed_grafana_default" {
  source = "../.."

  name              = "${}-default"
  associate_license = false

  tags = local.tags

module "managed_grafana_disabled" {
  source = "../.."

  name   =
  create = false

# Supporting Resources

module "vpc" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
  version = "~> 5.0"

  name =
  cidr = local.vpc_cidr

  azs             = local.azs
  private_subnets = [for k, v in local.azs : cidrsubnet(local.vpc_cidr, 4, k)]
  public_subnets  = [for k, v in local.azs : cidrsubnet(local.vpc_cidr, 8, k + 48)]

  enable_nat_gateway = false 
  single_nat_gateway = true

  tags = local.tags

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terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.0"

  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = ">= 5.0"

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To run this code you need to execute:

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

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Deploying Prometheus ethtool exporter:

Ethtool is a Linux tool for configuring and gathering information about Ethernet devices on worker nodes. We will use ethtool's output to detect packet loss and convert it to Prometheus format with a Prometheus ethtool exporter utility.

The deployment contains a Python script that pulls information from ethtool and publishes it in Prometheus format.

kubectl apply -f

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Deploy ADOT collector to scrape ethtool metrics:

In this step we will deploy the ADOT collector and configure the ADOT collector to ingest metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus.

We will be using the Amazon EKS add-on for ADOT operator to send the metrics "linklocal_allowance_exceeded" to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus for monitoring CoreDNS.

Create an IAM role and Amazon EKS Service Account:

We will be deploying the ADOT collector to run under the identity of a Kubernetes service account "adot-collector".

IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA) lets you associate the AmazonPrometheusRemoteWriteAccess role with a Kubernetes service account, thereby providing IAM permissions to any pod utilizing the service account to ingest the metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus.

You need kubectl and eksctl CLI tools to run the script. They must be configured to access your Amazon EKS cluster.

eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--name adot-collector \
--namespace default \
--region eu-west-1\
--cluster coredns-monitoring-demo\
--attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonPrometheusRemoteWriteAccess \
--approve \

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Install ADOT add-on:

You can check the list of add-ons enabled for different versions of Amazon EKS using the following command:

Determine the ADOT versions that are available that are supported by your cluster's version.

aws eks describe-addon-versions --addon-name adot --kubernetes-version 1.28 \
  --query "addons[].addonVersions[].[addonVersion, compatibilities[].defaultVersion]" --output text

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Run the following command to install the ADOT add-on, replace the –addon-version flag based on your Amazon EKS cluster version as show in step above.

aws eks create-addon --addon-name adot --addon-version v0.66.0-
eksbuild.1 --cluster-name coredns-monitoring-demo

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Verify that ADOT add-on is ready using the following command.

kubectl get po -n opentelemetry-operator-system

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The following procedure uses an example YAML file with deployment as the mode value. This is the default mode and deploys the ADOT Collector similarly to a standalone application. This configuration receives OTLP metrics from the sample application and Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus metrics scraped from pods on the cluster

curl -o collector-config-amp.yaml

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In collector-config-amp.yaml, replace the following with your own values:

*** mode: deployment * serviceAccount: adot-collector * endpoint: "" * region: "" * name: adot-collector**

kubectl apply -f collector-config-amp.yaml

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Once the adot collector is deployed, the metrics will be stored successfully in Amazon Prometheus.

Visualize ethtool metrics in Amazon Managed Grafana:

Configure the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspace as a datasource inside the Amazon Managed Grafana console.

Let's explore the metrics in Amazon Managed Grafana now: Click the explore button, and search for ethtool:

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Let's build a dashboard for the linklocal_allowance_exceeded metric by using the query:

wance_exceeded"} [30s])

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We can see that there were no packets dropped as the value is zero. You can further extend this by configuring alerts in the alert manager in Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus to send notifications.


In this post, we showed how to monitor and create alerts for CoreDNS throttling issues using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT), Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, and Amazon Managed Grafana. By monitoring the coreDNS metrics, customers can proactively detect packet drops and take preventive actions. 

Until next time 🎉

Thank you for Reading !! 🙌🏻😁📃, see you in the next blog.🤘

🚀 Thank you for sticking up till the end. If you have any questions/feedback regarding this blog feel free to connect with me:

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The end ✌🏻

**_🔰 Keep Learning !! Keep Sharing !! 🔰


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