Are you looking for cost-efficient and streamlined local development and testing of serverless applications built with AWS services like Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB?
With AWS SAM and Localstack, you can emulate AWS services on a local machine and allow developers to work offline, saving costs and enabling rapid iteration.
In this article, we will explore on how to build a serverless API service and test it locally with AWS SAM and Localstack.
Follow me for more
AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It extends AWS CloudFormation to provide a simplified way of defining the Amazon API Gateway APIs, AWS Lambda functions, and Amazon DynamoDB tables needed by your serverless application.
To install AWS SAM you can refer to this AWS documentation page for detailed installation. Install AWS SAM
We will also need to install AWS CLI. You can refer to this documentation Install AWS CLI.
Localstack is an open-source project that provides a fully functional local AWS cloud stack for development and testing purposes. It allows developers to emulate several AWS services on their local machines, enabling them to develop and test their applications without accessing the actual AWS cloud.
LocalStack aims to replicate the behavior of various AWS services, such as Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, Amazon SQS, and many others. Developers can interact with these emulated services through the AWS SDKs or command-line tools, just as they would with the real AWS services.
To install Localstack you can refer to this AWS documentation page for detailed installation. Install Localstack
Both AWS SAM and Localstack utilize Docker to run simulate AWS Service locally, so we will be using Docker also.
Docker is a platform and a set of tools designed to simplify the creation, deployment, and running of applications using containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and consistent environments that encapsulate an application and its dependencies. Docker allows developers to package an application and its dependencies into a container image, which can then be easily distributed and run consistently across different environments.
To install Docker, you can also check Docker documentation page for detailed installation. Install Docker Engine
Create project with AWS SAM.
- We can start creating and initializing our AWS SAM project using this command.
sam init
- Then we can follow this configuration wizard to start creating our Todo API service.
--- For the template source we can choose
1- AWS Quick Start Templates
You can preselect a particular runtime or package type when using the `sam init` experience.
Call `sam init --help` to learn more.
Which template source would you like to use?
1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
2 - Custom Template Location
Choice: 1
- For the AWS Quick Start application template, we can choose
7 - Serverless API
Choose an AWS Quick Start application template
1 - Hello World Example
2 - Data processing
3 - Hello World Example with Powertools for AWS Lambda
4 - Multi-step workflow
5 - Scheduled task
6 - Standalone function
7 - Serverless API
8 - Infrastructure event management
9 - Lambda Response Streaming
10 - Serverless Connector Hello World Example
11 - Multi-step workflow with Connectors
12 - GraphQLApi Hello World Example
13 - Full Stack
14 - Lambda EFS example
15 - Hello World Example With Powertools for AWS Lambda
16 - DynamoDB Example
17 - Machine Learning
Template: 7
- For runtime we can choose
2 - nodejs18.x
Which runtime would you like to use?
1 - dotnet6
2 - nodejs18.x
3 - nodejs16.x
4 - nodejs14.x
Runtime: 2
- For enable X-Ray tracing, choose
Would you like to enable X-Ray tracing on the function(s) in your application? [y/N]: N
- Choose
for enable monitoring using CloudWatch Application Insights
Would you like to enable monitoring using CloudWatch Application Insights?
For more info, please view [y/N]: N
- Project name, type
Project name [sam-app]: serverless-api
- The complete SAM CLI configuration will look like this.
You can preselect a particular runtime or package type when using the `sam init` experience.
Call `sam init --help` to learn more.
Which template source would you like to use?
1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
2 - Custom Template Location
Choice: 1
Choose an AWS Quick Start application template
1 - Hello World Example
2 - Data processing
3 - Hello World Example with Powertools for AWS Lambda
4 - Multi-step workflow
5 - Scheduled task
6 - Standalone function
7 - Serverless API
8 - Infrastructure event management
9 - Lambda Response Streaming
10 - Serverless Connector Hello World Example
11 - Multi-step workflow with Connectors
12 - GraphQLApi Hello World Example
13 - Full Stack
14 - Lambda EFS example
15 - Hello World Example With Powertools for AWS Lambda
16 - DynamoDB Example
17 - Machine Learning
Template: 7
Which runtime would you like to use?
1 - dotnet6
2 - nodejs18.x
3 - nodejs16.x
4 - nodejs14.x
Runtime: 2
Based on your selections, the only Package type available is Zip.
We will proceed to selecting the Package type as Zip.
Based on your selections, the only dependency manager available is npm.
We will proceed copying the template using npm.
Would you like to enable X-Ray tracing on the function(s) in your application? [y/N]: N
Would you like to enable monitoring using CloudWatch Application Insights?
For more info, please view [y/N]: N
Project name [sam-app]: serverless-api
Generating application:
Name: serverless-api
Runtime: nodejs18.x
Architectures: x86_64
Dependency Manager: npm
Application Template: quick-start-web
Output Directory: .
Configuration file: serverless-api\samconfig.toml
Next steps can be found in the README file at serverless-api\
Commands you can use next
[*] Create pipeline: cd serverless-api && sam pipeline init --bootstrap
[*] Validate SAM template: cd serverless-api && sam validate
[*] Test Function in the Cloud: cd serverless-api && sam sync --stack-name {stack-name} --watch
AWS SAM will then generate our serverless-api
project according to the configuration we chose above like this.
|-- __tests__
| `-- unit
| `-- handlers
|-- buildspec.yml
|-- env.json
|-- events
| |-- event-get-all-items.json
| |-- event-get-by-id.json
| `-- event-post-item.json
|-- package.json
|-- samconfig.toml
|-- src
| `-- handlers
| |-- get-all-items.mjs
| |-- get-by-id.mjs
| `-- put-item.mjs
`-- template.yaml
is where our Lambda function will be, and template.yaml
is our AWS SAM template.
Our project architecture above will look like this
In this project, we are using several AWS Services like
- API Gateway
- Lambda
- DynamoDB
So we need a way to emulate these services locally.
Next, we will explore how to run our project and emulate AWS services locally using AWS SAM.
Run and Test Locally with AWS SAM
Run DynamoDB locally
AWS SAM doesn't emulate DynamoDB service that we are going to use in our project. So we need to run DynamoDB locally.
Amazon DynamoDB provides a way to run DynamoDB locally on our computer. Deploying DynamoDB locally on your computer
So we will run our DynamoDB locally using Docker.
- Create
- Type the following code
version: '3.8'
command: "-jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb -dbPath ./data"
image: "amazon/dynamodb-local:latest"
container_name: dynamodb-local
- "8000:8000"
- "./docker/dynamodb:/home/dynamodblocal/data"
working_dir: /home/dynamodblocal
- Run the following command in your terminal
docker-compose up
- Check whether our Dynamodb container is successfully running
$ docker ps
e7d0b58896e5 amazon/dynamodb-local:latest "java -jar DynamoDBL…" 2 months ago Up 2 hours>8000/tcp dynamodb-local
Take note on our dynamodb container name which is
and the dynamodb network nameddynamodb_default
. We will be using this information to configure our application to run locally depending on theENVIRONMENT
Create our DynamoDB table inside our local DynamoDB
To create our DynamoDB table inside our local DynamoDB, we can run this command
aws dynamodb create-table \
--table-name SampleTable \
--attribute-definitions \
AttributeName=id,AttributeType=S \
--key-schema \
AttributeName=id,KeyType=HASH \
--provisioned-throughput \
ReadCapacityUnits=2,WriteCapacityUnits=2 \
--table-class STANDARD \
--endpoint-url http://localhost:8000
As you notice, we will run above command into our local DynamoDB endpoint using this flag --endpoint-url HTTP://localhost:8000
Modify our template.yaml
and function handlers
- First we will modify our
by adding this configuration
So that our complete template.yaml
configuration will looks like this.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: >-
- AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: src/handlers/get-all-items.getAllItemsHandler
Runtime: nodejs18.x
- x86_64
MemorySize: 128
Timeout: 100
Description: A simple example includes a HTTP get method to get all items from a DynamoDB table.
- DynamoDBCrudPolicy:
TableName: !Ref SampleTable
SAMPLE_TABLE: !Ref SampleTable
Type: Api
Path: /
Method: GET
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: src/handlers/get-by-id.getByIdHandler
Runtime: nodejs18.x
- x86_64
MemorySize: 128
Timeout: 100
Description: A simple example includes a HTTP get method to get one item by id from a DynamoDB table.
- DynamoDBCrudPolicy:
TableName: !Ref SampleTable
SAMPLE_TABLE: !Ref SampleTable
Type: Api
Path: /{id}
Method: GET
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: src/handlers/put-item.putItemHandler
Runtime: nodejs18.x
- x86_64
MemorySize: 128
Timeout: 100
Description: A simple example includes a HTTP post method to add one item to a DynamoDB table.
- DynamoDBCrudPolicy:
TableName: !Ref SampleTable
SAMPLE_TABLE: !Ref SampleTable
Type: Api
Path: /
Method: POST
Type: AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable
Name: id
Type: String
ReadCapacityUnits: 2
WriteCapacityUnits: 2
Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage"
Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}"
- Next, we will modify all our function handler
. We will modify this part of the code.
const client = new DynamoDBClient();
const client = new DynamoDBClient(
process.env.ENVIRONMENT === "local"
? {
endpoint: "http://dynamodb-local:8000",
: {}
Run and Test Locally
Finally, we can start running and testing our project locally using AWS SAM.
AWS SAM provides several commands for us to run our function locally like:
sam local invoke
This command is used to initiate a one-time invocation of an AWS Lambda function locally.
$ sam local invoke
Invoking app.lambda_handler (python3.9)
Local image is out of date and will be updated to the latest runtime. To skip this, pass in the parameter --skip-pull-image
Building image....................................................................................................................
Using local image:
Mounting /Users/.../sam-app/.aws-sam/build/HelloWorldFunction as /var/task:ro,delegated, inside runtime container
START RequestId: 64bf7e54-5509-4762-a97c-3d740498d3df Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 64bf7e54-5509-4762-a97c-3d740498d3df
REPORT RequestId: 64bf7e54-5509-4762-a97c-3d740498d3df Init Duration: 1.09 ms Duration: 608.42 ms Billed Duration: 609 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 128 MB
{"statusCode": 200, "body": "{\"message\": \"hello world\"}"}%
sam local start-api
This command is used to run your AWS Lambda functions locally and test through a local HTTP server host. This type of test is helpful for Lambda functions that are invoked by an Amazon API Gateway endpoint.
$ sam local start-api
Initializing the lambda functions containers.
Local image is up-to-date
Using local image:
* Running on
sam local start-lambda
This command is used to invoke your AWS Lambda function through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or SDKs. This command starts a local endpoint that emulates AWS Lambda.
$ sam local start-lambda
Initializing the lambda functions containers.
Local image is up-to-date
Using local image:
* Running on
2023-04-13 07:25:43 Press CTRL+C to quit
Because we want to emulate Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda services, we will use sam local start-api
and using our dynamodb container network dynamodb_default
sam local start-api --docker-network dynamodb_default
Initializing the lambda functions containers.
Local image is up-to-date
Local image is up-to-date
Local image is up-to-date
Using local image:
Containers Initialization is done.
Mounting getAllItemsFunction at [GET]
Mounting putItemFunction at [POST]
Mounting getByIdFunction at{id} [GET]
You can now browse to the above endpoints to invoke your functions. You do not need to restart/reload SAM CLI while working on your functions, changes will be reflected
instantly/automatically. If you used sam build before running local commands, you will need to re-run sam build for the changes to be picked up. You only need to restart
SAM CLI if you update your AWS SAM template
2023-11-17 00:32:55 WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on
2023-11-17 00:32:55 Press CTRL+C to quit
sam local start-api
will emulate our function through this endpoint
Mounting getAllItemsFunction at [GET]
Mounting putItemFunction at [POST]
Mounting getByIdFunction at{id} [GET]
So we can test POST item by running this command in new terminal.
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"3","name":"test"}' http://localhost:3000
And, test GET all items using this command
$ curl http://localhost:3000
Run and Test Locally with Localstack
With Localstack the step to run and test locally will be more easier.
But first we need to configure our template.yaml
ENVIRONMENT: "localstack"
we are changing our ENVIRONMENT
variable into localstack
so that our DynamoDBCLient will connect directly inside Localstack DynamoDB.
Then we will modify the output of our endpoint into this so that it will output Localstack endpoint that we can use to test our application.
Description: "API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage"
Value: !Sub "http://${ServerlessRestApi}"
Install samlocal
To emulate AWS services locally with Localstack, we can install and use samlocal
, a wrapper for the AWS SAM CLI, so that every aws sam
commands will be executed against the Localstack endpoints (http://localhost:4566 by default) instead of real AWS endpoints.
You can install it using these commands.
pip install aws-sam-cli-local
Deploy project to Localstack
To deploy our project to Localstack, we can run this command
samlocal deploy
will deploy your project but not into AWS but into Localstack.
Managed S3 bucket: aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-b1dc8c32
A different default S3 bucket can be set in samconfig.toml
Or by specifying --s3-bucket explicitly.
Uploading to 9a5628197c0aebb840bb53c26bf4e03c 11801 / 11801 (100.00%)
File with same data already exists at 9a5628197c0aebb840bb53c26bf4e03c, skipping upload
File with same data already exists at 9a5628197c0aebb840bb53c26bf4e03c, skipping upload
Deploying with following values
Stack name : serverless-api
Region : ap-southeast-1
Confirm changeset : True
Disable rollback : False
Deployment s3 bucket : aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-b1dc8c32
Capabilities : ["CAPABILITY_IAM"]
Parameter overrides : {}
Signing Profiles : {}
Initiating deployment
Uploading to 1245f569e29a8187dfbd04b64f50e277.template 3166 / 3166 (100.00%)
Waiting for changeset to be created..
CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation LogicalResourceId ResourceType Replacement
* Modify putItemFunctionApiPermissionProd AWS::Lambda::Permission False
* Modify putItemFunction AWS::Lambda::Function False
* Modify getAllItemsFunction AWS::Lambda::Function False
* Modify getByIdFunctionRole AWS::IAM::Role False
* Modify getAllItemsFunctionApiPermissionProd AWS::Lambda::Permission False
* Modify getAllItemsFunctionRole AWS::IAM::Role False
* Modify putItemFunctionRole AWS::IAM::Role False
* Modify getByIdFunction AWS::Lambda::Function False
* Modify ServerlessRestApiProdStage AWS::ApiGateway::Stage False
* Modify ServerlessRestApiDeploymenta4d359a69a AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment False
* Modify ServerlessRestApi AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi False
* Modify getByIdFunctionApiPermissionProd AWS::Lambda::Permission False
Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-southeast-1:000000000000:changeSet/samcli-deploy1700159060/1d7348f1
Once your project is deployed into Localstack locally, samlocal
will return this output
CloudFormation outputs from deployed stack
Key WebEndpoint
Description API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage
Finally, we can test our service through Localstack endpoint
by running this command
So we can test POST item by running this command in new terminal.
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"3","name":"test"}'
And, test GET all items using this command
$ curl
While AWS SAM provides a means to run and test serverless services locally, the process is significantly streamlined with Localstack. Localstack not only facilitates the local execution and testing of serverless applications but also extends its capabilities to emulate various other services, thereby enriching our local development environment.
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