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Alejandra Quetzalli 🐾 for AWS

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Did you miss re:Invent 2019🎉? Let's re:Cap the robots!

Sad because you missed re:Invent 2019?

Well cheer up, my friends... it's time for a re:Cap! Here's what I'm going to do.

In THIS post, I'll share major highlights from the AWS robotics🤖 track that include recorded YouTube sessions!

And in the NEXT post, I'll summarize great sessions targeted for getting started on AWS.

Let's re:Cap the robots!

🤖 (OPN201) Change is coming to robotics development: The shift to ROS 2
Learn how the design, development, and features of ROS 2 change the landscape for all robot lovers.

🤖 (ROB201-L)Leadership session: Welcome to the era of smart robots
Have you noticed just how much robots are becoming more integrated into our everyday lives? Robots help us fight fires, manage warehouse inventory, simulate lunar landscapes.. and even provide companionship!

🤖 Rise of the Machines: Bring AI to your Robot
To replicate this workshop at home, you'll need to get your hands on a ROS physical robot, via a WaveShare Nvidia Jetbot Kit. You'll deploy code to an actual robot, versus only running simulations! You'll even learn about ROS and AWS RoboMaker.

🤖 Finding Martians with AWS RoboMaker and the NASA JPL Open Source Rover
Good news, folks.. to replicate this workshop at home, you DO NOT need a ROS physical robot! And you still get to learn about ROS and AWS RoboMaker.

🤖 (ROB302) Innovation in Robotics: Insights from NASA JPL and AWS
Learn about neat use cases and robotic applications by experts from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and AWS!

🤖 (ROB202) Embracing digital transformation via Smart Robots
Learn how AWS customers in industries as diverse of Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Oil & Gas are incorporating robots into their next-generation solutions.

🤖 (ROB301-R1) Running tests in simulation with AWS RoboMaker
Learn how to use AWS RoboMaker simulations to manage your CI/CD pipelines when building your robotic apps. Followed by a presentation and demo by iRobot.

See? It'll be like you were there too..

¡Gracias por tu tiempo!
~Alejandra💁🏻‍♀️ & Canela🐾

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